Research at CRIL on “AI at the service of other disciplines” was initially sparked by the creation by the University of Artois of the AI Major Interest Domain (DIM) in 2018. The scientific exchanges with colleagues from other Artois laboratories, from a variety of disciplines (chemistry, health, sociology, law) that took place within the framework of this DIM highlighted a wide range of questions of interest, whether theoretical or applied, for which the AI techniques mastered at CRIL could be profitably exploited. Since then, the multi-disciplinary work carried out jointly with these colleagues has been intensified by the ANR VIVAH project (“Contrats doctoraux en intelligence artificielle” - PhD contracts in artificial intelligence) in response to a call for proposals that was part of the national AI strategy, the positive feedback received and the thesis funding allocated (and supplemented by the Université d’Artois). The transverse action on “AI at the service of other disciplines” took on a much greater scope following the setting up and funding of the PIA4 ExcellenceS MAIA project (“Maîtrise des Applications de l’AI”), led by the Université d’Artois for the A2U alliance (UArtois - ULCO - UPJV).
MAIA aims to study, develop and deploy the strong interactions that exist between AI and three key application areas of the A2U alliance: health (UPJV), chemistry (materials, energy; UPJV/UArtois) and the environment/sea (ULCO), as well as their economic, sociological, ethical and legal aspects. This interdisciplinary project involves 19 laboratories, as well as a wide network of socio-economic players (local authorities, companies, clusters, etc.). Scheduled to run until 2031, this project, through the collaborations it will promote and the financial resources it will provide (€11M), will have a significant influence on the research activities conducted at CRIL during the next contract.
2024 Gábor Orosz, Laura Faragó, Benedek Paskuj, Zsófia Rakovics, Diane Sam-Mine, Gilles Audemard, Mouny Samy Modeliar, Péter Krekó,
Softly empowering a prosocial expert in the family: lasting effects of a counter-misinformation intervention in an informational autocracy
Scientific Reports, vol. 14, n° 1, pp. 11763, 2024.
2024 Gökhan Tahıl, Fabien Delorme, Daniel Le Berre, Éric Monflier, Adlane Sayede, Sébastien Tilloy, Stereoisomers Are Not Machine Learning’s Best Friends
in Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, vol. 64, n° 14, pp. 5451–5469, 2024.
2023 Gökhan Tahil, Fabien Delorme, Daniel Le Berre, Éric Monflier, Adlane Sayede, Sébastien Tilloy,
Curated dataset of association constants between a cyclodextrin and a guest for machine learning
Chemical Data Collections, vol. 45, pp. 101022, 2023.
2024 Astrid Klipfel, Yaël Fregier, Adlane Sayede, Zied Bouraoui,
Vector Field Oriented Diffusion Model for Crystal Material Generation
The 38th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, vol. 38, pp. 22193-22201, 2024.
2024 Thibault Falque, Gilles Audemard, Christophe Lecoutre, Bertrand Mazure,
Check-In Desk Scheduling Optimisation at CDG International Airport
AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, vol. 38, pp. 22743-22751, 2024.
2024 Waheed Ahmed Abro, Hanane Kteich, Zied Bouraoui,
Self-supervised Segment Contrastive Learning for Medical Document Representation
22nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, AIME 2024, Springer Nature Switzerland, vol. 14844, pp. 312-321, 2024.
2023 David Ing, Fabien Delorme, Said Jabbour, Nelly Robin, Lakhdar Sais, Classification with Explanation for Human Trafficking Networks
in 2023 IEEE 10th International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA), IEEE, pp. 1-10, 2023.
2023 Astrid Klipfel, Yaël Frégier, Adlane Sayede, Zied Bouraoui,
Unified Model for Crystalline Material Generation
32nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI 2023, vol. 2023-August, pp. 6031 – 6039, 2023.
2023 Astrid Klipfel, Yaël Frégier, Adlane Sayede, Zied Bouraoui,
Optimized Crystallographic Graph Generation for Material Science
Thirty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence {IJCAI-23}, International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization, pp. 7145-7148, 2023.
2023 Astrid Klipfel, Zied Bouraoui, Olivier Peltre, Yaël Fregier, Najwa Harrati, Adlane Sayede,
Equivariant Message Passing Neural Network for Crystal Material Discovery
AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, vol. 37, pp. 14304-14311, 2023.
2023 Sara Kebir, Karim Tabia, Anomaly Detection in Real Scarce Data: A Case Study on Monitoring Elderly's Physical Activity and Sleep
in 2023 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE), IEEE, pp. 385-392, 2023.
2023 Caren Al Anaissy, Srdjan Vesic, Nathalie Nevejans,
Towards Ethical Argumentative Persuasive Chatbots
Coordination, Organizations, Institutions, Norms, and Ethics for Governance of Multi-Agent Systems XVI, Springer Nature Switzerland, vol. 14002, 2023.
2023 Sara Kebir, Cécile Carra, Karim Tabia, Acceptance of smart home technologies for aging in place
in XX ISA World Congress of Sociology, 2023.
2021 Gilles Audemard, Steve Bellart, Louenas Bounia, Frédéric Koriche, Jean-Marie Lagniez, Pierre Marquis,
On the Computational Intelligibility of Boolean Classifiers
18th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning {KR-2021}, International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization, pp. 74-86, 2021.
2018 Karim Tabia, Hugues Wattez, Nicolas Ydée, Karima Sedki,
Data Analytics and Visualization for Connected Objects: A Case Study for Sleep and Physical Activity Trackers
31st International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems (IEA/AIE'18), Springer, vol. 10868, pp. 685-696, 2018.
2018 Marwa Harzi, Jean-François Condotta, Issam Nouaouri, Saoussen Krichen, Using the hybrid ILS/VND method for solving the patients scheduling problem in emergency department: a case study
in 22nd International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES'18), Elsevier, pp. 733--742, 2018.