CRIL in short

Lens Computer Science Research Lab (CRIL UMR 8188) is a joint laboratory between Université d’Artois and CNRS, that has a strong research focus on Artificial Intelligence and its applications. It groups together about 70 members, including researchers, lecturers, PhD students, postdocs and administrative or technical staff.
The CRIL is a member of the Confederation of Laboratories for Artificial Intelligence Research in Europe of the regional humAIn alliance. It is funded by Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche, CNRS, Université d’Artois and Hauts de France region.
CRIL is located in two different places in Lens: at the faculty of science and at the technical institute (IUT).
Recently updated publications
International journals
International conferences
News (RSS)
Pierre Marquis becomes AAIA Fellow
Pierre Marquis has been nominated Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association (AAIA) Fellow. The list of AAIA Fellows is available on the association website.
IPMU'22 outstanding paper award for Sara Kebir
Sara Kebir received an outstanding student paper award during the international conference IPMU'22 (Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems) on July 13, 2022 in Milan, Italy for her article Probability Calibration Through Uncertain Information Revision co-authored with her supervisor Karim Tabia. Kebir, Sara, Tabia, Karim (2022). Classifier Probability Calibration Through Uncertain Information Revision. In Proc. of Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems. IPMU 2022. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1602.
Accepted papers at IJCAI'22
This year, 8 papers from CRIL will be presented at IJCAI 2022!. Main track On Preferred Abductive Explanations for Decision Trees and Random Forests Gilles Audemard, Steve Bellart, Louenas Bounia, Frederic Koriche, Jean-Marie Lagniez, Pierre Marquis On the Complexity of Enumerating Prime Implicants from Decision-DNNF Circuits Alexis de Colnet, Pierre Marquis A Computationally Grounded Logic of ‘Seeing-to-it-that’ Andreas Herzig, Emiliano Lorini, Elise Perrotin Best Heuristic Identification for Constraint Satisfaction Frederic Koriche, Christophe Lecoutre, Anastasia Paparrizou, Hugues Wattez
Gilles Audemard receives CAV 2021 award
Gilles Audemard received with 20 other researchers on July 23, 2021 the 2021 award from the international conference on Computer-Aided Verification for pioneering contributions to the foundation of the theory and practice of Satisfiability Modulo Theory (SMT). See the full announcement.
Recruitment Learning concept representations from few examples for NLP systems
The CRIL (CNRS & Artois University) invites applications for an M2 Research internship of 6 months. It will focus on learning concept representations from few examples for NLP systems. Start date: April 1st, 2021. Deadline for applications: March 15th, 2021. Keywords: Natural language processing, learning concept representation, few-shot learning More details are available at : For any information or application please contact Zied Bouraoui (