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Rectification for Random Forests

To rectify an random forest, we simply rectify each of its trees.

Example from a Real Dataset

For this example, we take the compas.csv dataset. We create a model using the hold-out approach (by default, the test size is set to 30%) and select a miss-classified instance.

from pyxai import Learning, Explainer

learner = Learning.Scikitlearn("../dataset/compas.csv", learner_type=Learning.CLASSIFICATION)
model = learner.evaluate(method=Learning.HOLD_OUT, output=Learning.RF)

dict_information = learner.get_instances(model, n=1, indexes=Learning.TEST, correct=False, details=True)

instance = dict_information["instance"]
label = dict_information["label"]
prediction = dict_information["prediction"]

print("prediction:", prediction)
      Number_of_Priors  score_factor  Age_Above_FourtyFive  \
0                    0             0                     1   
1                    0             0                     0   
2                    4             0                     0   
3                    0             0                     0   
4                   14             1                     0   
...                ...           ...                   ...   
6167                 0             1                     0   
6168                 0             0                     0   
6169                 0             0                     1   
6170                 3             0                     0   
6171                 2             0                     0   

      Age_Below_TwentyFive  African_American  Asian  Hispanic  \
0                        0                 0      0         0   
1                        0                 1      0         0   
2                        1                 1      0         0   
3                        0                 0      0         0   
4                        0                 0      0         0   
...                    ...               ...    ...       ...   
6167                     1                 1      0         0   
6168                     1                 1      0         0   
6169                     0                 0      0         0   
6170                     0                 1      0         0   
6171                     1                 0      0         1   

      Native_American  Other  Female  Misdemeanor  Two_yr_Recidivism  
0                   0      1       0            0                  0  
1                   0      0       0            0                  1  
2                   0      0       0            0                  1  
3                   0      1       0            1                  0  
4                   0      0       0            0                  1  
...               ...    ...     ...          ...                ...  
6167                0      0       0            0                  0  
6168                0      0       0            0                  0  
6169                0      1       0            0                  0  
6170                0      0       1            1                  0  
6171                0      0       1            0                  1  

[6172 rows x 12 columns]
--------------   Information   ---------------
Dataset name: ../dataset/compas.csv
nFeatures (nAttributes, with the labels): 12
nInstances (nObservations): 6172
nLabels: 2
---------------   Evaluation   ---------------
method: HoldOut
output: RF
learner_type: Classification
learner_options: {'max_depth': None, 'random_state': 0}
---------   Evaluation Information   ---------
For the evaluation number 0:
   accuracy: 65.71274298056156
   precision: 64.64788732394366
   recall: 54.44839857651246
   f1_score: 59.11139729555699
   specificity: 75.12388503468782
   true_positive: 459
   true_negative: 758
   false_positive: 251
   false_negative: 384
   sklearn_confusion_matrix: [[758, 251], [384, 459]]
nTraining instances: 4320
nTest instances: 1852

---------------   Explainer   ----------------
For the evaluation number 0:
**Random Forest Model**
nClasses: 2
nTrees: 100
nVariables: 68

---------------   Instances   ----------------
number of instances selected: 1
prediction: 0

We activate the explainer with the associated theory and the selected instance:

compas_types = {
    "numerical": ["Number_of_Priors"],
    "binary": ["Misdemeanor", "score_factor", "Female"],
    "categorical": {"{African_American,Asian,Hispanic,Native_American,Other}": ["African_American", "Asian", "Hispanic", "Native_American", "Other"],
                    "Age*": ["Above_FourtyFive", "Below_TwentyFive"]}

explainer = Explainer.initialize(model, instance=instance, features_type=compas_types)
---------   Theory Feature Types   -----------
Before the one-hot encoding of categorical features:
Numerical features: 1
Categorical features: 2
Binary features: 3
Number of features: 6
Characteristics of categorical features: {'African_American': ['{African_American,Asian,Hispanic,Native_American,Other}', 'African_American', ['African_American', 'Asian', 'Hispanic', 'Native_American', 'Other']], 'Asian': ['{African_American,Asian,Hispanic,Native_American,Other}', 'Asian', ['African_American', 'Asian', 'Hispanic', 'Native_American', 'Other']], 'Hispanic': ['{African_American,Asian,Hispanic,Native_American,Other}', 'Hispanic', ['African_American', 'Asian', 'Hispanic', 'Native_American', 'Other']], 'Native_American': ['{African_American,Asian,Hispanic,Native_American,Other}', 'Native_American', ['African_American', 'Asian', 'Hispanic', 'Native_American', 'Other']], 'Other': ['{African_American,Asian,Hispanic,Native_American,Other}', 'Other', ['African_American', 'Asian', 'Hispanic', 'Native_American', 'Other']], 'Age_Above_FourtyFive': ['Age', 'Above_FourtyFive', ['Above_FourtyFive', 'Below_TwentyFive']], 'Age_Below_TwentyFive': ['Age', 'Below_TwentyFive', ['Above_FourtyFive', 'Below_TwentyFive']]}

Number of used features in the model (before the encoding of categorical features): 6
Number of used features in the model (after the encoding of categorical features): 11

We compute why the model predicts 0 for this instance:

reason = explainer.majoritary_reason(n=1)
print("explanation:", reason)
print("to_features:", explainer.to_features(reason))
explanation: (-2, -3, -6, 9)
to_features: ('Number_of_Priors <= 0.5', 'score_factor = 0', 'Age != Below_TwentyFive', 'Misdemeanor = 1')

Suppose that the user knows that every instance covered by the explanation (-2, -3, -6, 9) should be classified as a positive instance. The model must be rectified by the corresponding classification rule. Once the model has been corrected, the instance is classified as expected by the user:

model = explainer.rectify(conditions=reason, label=1)        
print("new prediction:", model.predict_instance(instance))
-------------- Rectification information:
Classification Rule - Number of nodes: 9
Model - Number of nodes: 89814
Model - Number of nodes (after rectification): 290854
Model - Number of nodes (after simplification using the theory): 93768
Model - Number of nodes (after elimination of redundant nodes): 60176
new prediction: 1