COmputer SCIeNce pUblication Statistics
The coscinus project aims at extracting and visualizing information from publications statistics issued from the DBLP database.
DBLP gathers mosts of computer science history of publications. So it can be used as a tool for understanding and analyzing the field. In this project, we want to exploit this available (and under-exploited) information on publications statistics. For the moment there are two developed main tools:
- Computer Science Landscape
- Computer Science Clustering
These two tools exploit the publication habits of computer science researchers in order to define closeness measures between publication supports (conference and journals). The long-term project is to develop additional features based on these tools (although we mainly want to consolidate these two tools at the moment).
Any category Perennial software Websites
International conferences
2018 Knowledge Sébastien Konieczny, Emmanuel Lonca, Artificial Intelligence Conferences Closeness
in 27th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'18), pp. 5158-5164, 2018.