In odd-numbered years, the European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence (ECCAI) sponsors a specialised course in Artificial Intelligence, called Advanced Course on Artificial Inteliigence (ACAI).
The ACAI Summer School 2015 will be held at Lille, France, from the 26th October to the 30th October 2015 and its topic will be Constraints Solving Techniques in Artificial Intelligence. It will be organized by CRIL (Centre de Recherche en Informatique de Lens -
Constraint Solving Techniques offer a number of notions, languages and solvers for building reasoning and decision making tools, which are at the core of a wide spectrum of AI applications. Much progress has been made for decades, and new paradigms have emerged within this area. While the various Constraint Solving Techniques have some common origins, they have evolved independently and each of them has developed its own specificities. This is why it is important to give to our doctoral students and young colleagues a broad, yet coherent view of such techniques and it is the main goal of the ACAI’15@CRIL Summer School to do so.
Accordingly, the school will address several Constraint Solving Techniques, including SAT, CSP, ASP, and Knowledge compilation. Both the fundamental issues and the key concepts will be presented, as well as some of the more recent developments.
The school will consist of 4 Fundamental Courses (3 x 1h30):
- SAT (by Ines Lynce)
- CSP (by Ian Gent)
- ASP (by Torsten Schaub)
- Knowledge Compilation (by Pierre Marquis)
And of 5 Advanced Courses (1x 1h30):
- SMT (by Albert Oliveras)
- SAT for Data Mining (by Lakhdar Saïs)
- WCSP (by Martin Cooper)
- XCSP (by Christophe Lecoutre)
- Evaluation & Competitions of Solvers (by Daniel Le Berre and Olivier Roussel)
The organization of ACAI’15@CRIL made its best to ensure the lowest possible costs, in order to promote the participation of the largest number of researchers:
- Registration fees will be 125 euros (until 31th July).
- Some cheap accommodation (around 135 euros for the week) will be possible.
Note also that ECCAi will provide a number of grants for students, details about the application procedure will be available soon on the ACAI webpage.
Lille is easily reachable from all over Europe, since it is close to three capitals (1h by train from Paris and from Paris-Charles-de-Gaulle airport, 30mn from Brussels, and 1h30 from London).
Important Dates : Early Registration : 31th July 2015 ACAI’15@CRIL : 25th to 30th October 2015
Organizing Committee :
- Sylvie Coste-Marquis
- Sébastien Konieczny
- Daniel Le Berre
- Pierre Marquis
- Srdjan Vesic
For more details please visit
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