Working with preferences: staying simple to do more
- Author:
- Souhila Kaci
- HDR Defended on :
- Apr 3, 2009 • IUT de Lens, amphi SRC
Handling preferences in our daily lives is far from being an easy problem. We always hesitate when faced with a choice. Preferences guide our decisions from the simplest (which flavor of ice cream do you prefer?) to the most complex (what is the best investment?). We present our contributions in this area over the last six years. We promote “simple” languages for preference representation in order to allow a better expressiveness when specifying preferences. We also revisit some domains (argumentation, multi-criteria aggregation, database queries, question-answer systems, negotiation), where preferences play an important role, and show how they can benefit from our compact languages for preference representation.
- Lluis Godo (Professor at the Institute of AI Investigations – CSIC, Spain)
- Torsten Schaub (Professor at the University of Potsdam, Germany)
- Guillermo Ricardo Simari (Professor at the University of Sur, Argentina)
Rui da Silva Neves (Lecturer at the University Le Mirail, Toulouse)
Eric Grégoire (Professor at the University of Artois – CRIL, Lens)
Ulrich Junker (Distinguished Scientist – ILOG-IBM, Nice)
Pierre Marquis (Professor at the University of Artois – CRIL, Lens)
Patrice Perny (Professor at the University of Paris 6 – LIP6, Paris)
Henri Prade (Director of Research at CNRS – IRIT, Toulouse)