
Articles de revues internationales

2024 IA au service de... Gökhan Tahıl, Fabien Delorme, Daniel Le Berre, Éric Monflier, Adlane Sayede, Sébastien Tilloy, Stereoisomers Are Not Machine Learning’s Best Friends in Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling,vol. 64, n° 14, pp. 5451–5469, 2024.

2023 IA au service de... Gökhan Tahil, Fabien Delorme, Daniel Le Berre, Éric Monflier, Adlane Sayede, Sébastien Tilloy, Curated dataset of association constants between a cyclodextrin and a guest for machine learning in Chemical Data Collections,vol. 45, pp. 101022, 2023.

2018 Connaissances Nathalie Chetcuti-Sperandio, Fabien Delorme, Sylvain Lagrue, On aggregate and comparison functions for Motus/Lingo playing in International Computer Games Association Journal,vol. 40, n° 3, pp. 258-268, 2018.

Articles de conférences internationales

2023 Adlane Sayede, Gökhan Tahil, Fabien Delorme, Daniel Le Berre, Eric Monflier, Sebastien Tilloy, Determination of the Association Constant between a Cyclodextrin and a Guest using Machine Learning models in 9th Symposium on Theoretical Biophysics (TheoBio2023),2023.

2023 IA au service de... David Ing, Fabien Delorme, Said Jabbour, Nelly Robin, Lakhdar Sais, Classification with Explanation for Human Trafficking Networks in 2023 IEEE 10th International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA),IEEE, pp. 1-10, 2023.

2023 Gökhan Tahil, Fabien Delorme, Daniel Le Berre, Eric Monflier, Adlane Sayede, Sébastein Tilloy, Use of Machine Learning for Determination of Association Constant between a Cyclodextrin and a Guest in 7th European Conference on Cyclodextrin (EuroCD 2023),2023.

2021 Gökhan Tahil, Fabien Delorme, Daniel Le Berre, Eric Monflier, Adlane Sayede, Sébastien Tilloy, Determination of the Association Constant between a Cyclodextrin and a Guest using Machine Learning for Catalyzed Functionalization of Bio-Sourced Substrates in First international symposium on High-Throughput Catalysts Design,2021.

2012 Stéphane Cardon, Fabien Delorme, Sylvain Lagrue, Nao Plays Motus in NAO Tech Day,2012.

2011 Stéphane Cardon, Nathalie Chetcuti-Sperandio, Fabien Delorme, Sylvain Lagrue, A Markovian Process Modelling for Pickomino in The 7th International Conference on Computers and Games (CG'10),Springer, vol. 6515, pp. 199-210, 2011.

2008 Nathalie Chetcuti-Sperandio, Fabien Delorme, Sylvain Lagrue, Denis Stackowiak, Determination and Evaluation of Efficient Strategies for a Stop or Roll Dice Game: Heckmeck am Bratwurmeck (Pickomino) in IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Games(CIG'08,IEEE Press, pp. 175-182, 2008.

Articles de conférences nationales

2022 Gökhan Tahil, Fabien Delorme, Daniel Le Berre, Eric Monflier, Adlane Sayede, Sébastien Tilloy, Machine learning challenges for determination of association constant between a cyclodextrin and a guest in 20èmes Journées Cyclodextrines,2022.

2016 Nathalie Chetcuti-Sperandio, Fabien Delorme, Sylvain Lagrue, Des fonctions d'agrégation et de comparaison pour jouer à Motus in 25èmes Rencontres Francophones sur la Logique Floue et ses Applications (LFA'16),Cépaduès Editions, pp. 129-136, 2016.

2012 Sylvain Lagrue, Stéphane Cardon, Fabien Delorme, Nao joue à Motus in RFIA 2012 (Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle),pp. 978-2-9539515-2-3, 2012.

2010 Stéphane Cardon, Nathalie Chetcuti-Sperandio, Fabien Delorme, Sylvain Lagrue, Pickomania : un logiciel pour jouer à Pickomino in 17ème congrès francophone sur la Reconnaissance des Formes et l'Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA'10),pp. 895-896, 2010.

2009 Nathalie Chetcuti-Sperandio, Fabien Delorme, Sylvain Lagrue, Denis Stackowiak, Évaluation d'algorithmes de type Monte-Carlo pour Pickomino in Journées Nationales de l'Intelligence Artificielle Fondamentale (IAF'09),2009.

2009 Stéphane Cardon, Nathalie Chetcuti-Sperandio, Fabien Delorme, Sylvain Lagrue, Décision markovienne appliquée à un jeu de stop ou encore : Pickomino (Heckmeck Am Bratwurmeck) in Rencontres francophones sur la logique floue et ses appllications (LFA'09),Cépaduès, pp. 159-166, 2009.

Articles de workshops internationaux

2019 Sylvain Lagrue, Nathalie Chetcuti-Sperandio, Fabien Delorme, Chau Ma Thi, Duyen Ngo Thi, Karim Tabia, Salem Benferhat, An Ontology Web Application-based Annotation Tool for Intangible Culture Heritage Dance Videos in 1st Workshop on Structuring and Understanding of Multimedia heritAge Contents (SUMAC 2019),pp. 75-81, 2019.