2018 XCSP3 Competition
Rules and available instances
Final results
- BTD, miniBTD (Philippe Jegou, Helene Kanso and Cyril Terrioux)
- BTD_12, miniBTD_12 (Philippe Jegou, Djamal Habet, Helene Kanso and Cyril Terrioux)
- Choco-solver (Charles Prud'homme and Jean-Guillaume Fages)
- Concrete (Julien Vion)
- cosoco (Gilles Audemard)
- GG's minicp (Arnaud Gellens and Simon Gustin)
- macht, minimacht (Djamal Habet and Cyril Terrioux)
- MiniCPFever (Victor Joos and Antoine Vanderschueren)
- Mistral-2.0 ( Emmanuel Hebrard and Mohamed Siala)
- NACRE (Gaƫl Glorian)
- OscaR (OscaR Team)
- PicatSAT (Neng-Fa Zhou and Hakan Kjellerstrand)
- Sat4j-CSP (Daniel Le Berre and Emmanuel Lonca)
- scop (Takehide Soh, Daniel Le Berre, Mutsunori Banbara, Naoyuki Tamura)
- slowpoke (Alexandre Gerlache and Vincent Vandervilt)
- Solver of Xavier Schul & Yvhan Smal (Xavier Schul & Yvhan Smal)
- SuperSolver_Macq_Stevenart (Florian Stevenart Meeus and Jean-Baptiste Macq)
- The dodo solver (Alexandre Dubray)