27 MCF

The following position will be published in the next national recruitment by competitive examination.


Artificial Intelligence. The successful candidate will join one of the two scientific axes of CRIL. Preference will be given to candidates bringing novel research openings and directions that extend or are linked to any of these axes, and on candidates working on the interaction between both axes.


Profile: Computer Science

Location: Faculty of science - Lens

The successful computer scientist will teach in the different levels of the faculty of science, especially in the computer science license and master.

Dean of the faculty of science: Jean-François Henninot (03 21 79 17 02 - jfrancois.henninot@univ-artois.fr)

Head of Computer Science license: Nathalie Chetcuti-Sperandio (03 21 79 17 08 - chetcuti@cril.univ-artois.fr )

Head of Computer Science master: Bertrand Mazure (03 21 79 17 87 - mazure@cril.univ-artois.fr)

Additional information may be gathered by contacting the president of the recruitment committee: Gilles Audemard (audemard@cril.fr)