SAT 2011 Competition: main competition (phase 2): solvers results per benchmarks

Result page for benchmark

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General information on the benchmark

Bench CategoryRANDOM (random instances)
Best result obtained on this benchmarkUNSAT
Best CPU time to get the best result obtained on this benchmark154.979
(Un)Satisfiability was proved
Number of variables450
Number of clauses1917
Sum of the clauses size5751
Maximum clause length3
Minimum clause length3
Number of clauses of size 10
Number of clauses of size 20
Number of clauses of size 31917
Number of clauses of size 40
Number of clauses of size 50
Number of clauses of size over 50

Results of the different solvers on this benchmark

Solver NameTraceIDAnswerCPU timeWall clock time
march_rw 2011-03-02 (complete)3420778UNSAT 154.979 154.975
SAT09 reference solver: march_hi hi (complete)3211525UNSAT 170.823 170.82
borg-sat 11.03.02-seq-random (fixed) (complete)3386965UNSAT 257.28 256.333
SAT09 reference solver: SATzilla2009_R 2009-03-22 (complete)3211526UNSAT 278.846 278.84
MPhaseSAT_M 2011-02-16 (complete)3222080UNSAT 500.372 500.357
Satisfiability Solver Selector 2011-03-18 (complete)3222078UNSAT 612.52 612.675
borg-sat 11.03.02-random [DEPRECATED] (complete)3322252UNSAT 976.564 159.041
borg-sat 11.03.02-par-random (fixed) (complete)3385765UNSAT 1147.03 212.526
ppfolio par (complete)3222081UNSAT 1250.09 156.648
csls pnorm-8cores (incomplete)3418183? (problem) 21134 2980.26
SAT09 reference solver: gnovelty+2 2009-03-22 (incomplete)3211524? (TO) 5000.02 4999.91
SAT09 reference solver: TNM 2009-03-22 (incomplete)3211527? (TO) 5000.02 4999.91
ppfolio seq (complete)3222082? (TO) 5000.02 4999.91
EagleUP 1.565.350 (incomplete)3222083? (TO) 5000.03 4999.91
sparrow2011 sparrow2011_ubcsat1.2_2011-03-02 (incomplete)3222079? (TO) 5000.03 4999.81
sattime2011 2011-03-02 (incomplete)3427058? (TO) 5000.1 5000.12
adaptg2wsat2011 2011-03-02 (incomplete)3446442? (TO) 5000.11 5000.22

Additionnal information

This section presents information obtained from the best job displayed in the list (i.e. solvers whose names are not hidden).

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