SAT 2009 Competition: main competition (phase2): solvers results per benchmarks

Result page for benchmark

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General information on the benchmark

Bench CategoryAPPLICATION (applications instances)
Best result obtained on this benchmarkUNSAT
Best CPU time to get the best result obtained on this benchmark97.2212
(Un)Satisfiability was proved
Number of variables237485
Number of clauses705220
Sum of the clauses size1645512
Maximum clause length3
Minimum clause length1
Number of clauses of size 11
Number of clauses of size 2470146
Number of clauses of size 3235073
Number of clauses of size 40
Number of clauses of size 50
Number of clauses of size over 50

Results of the different solvers on this benchmark

Solver NameTraceIDAnswerCPU timeWall clock time
glucose 1.0 (complete)1775254UNSAT 97.2212 97.2921
LySAT i/2009-03-20 (complete)1775253UNSAT 124.274 124.348
precosat 236 (complete)1775251UNSAT 134.911 134.952
Rsat 2009-03-22 (complete)1775259UNSAT 145.484 145.552
ManySAT 1.1 aimd 1/2009-03-20 (complete)1775256UNSAT 151.52 79.043
MiniSat 2.1 (Sat-race'08 Edition) (complete)1775252UNSAT 188.333 188.414
kw 2009-03-20 (complete)1775255UNSAT 353.166 353.354
MXC 2009-03-10 (complete)1775257UNSAT 354.706 354.82
SATzilla2009_I 2009-03-22 (complete)1775260UNSAT 368.819 368.999
CircUs 2009-03-23 (complete)1775258UNSAT 636.43 636.597
SAT07 reference solver: picosat 535 (complete)1825559UNSAT 662.089 662.268
MiniSAT 09z 2009-03-22 (complete)1837569UNSAT 673.978 674.213
clasp 1.2.0-SAT09-32 (complete)1831947UNSAT 1560.46 1561.03
SAT07 reference solver: Rsat 2007-02-08 (complete)1825558UNSAT 2527.37 2528.45
SApperloT base (complete)1831948UNSAT 3338.99 3340.19
minisat_cumr p-2009-03-18 (complete)1837568? (TO) 10000.1 10007.8

Additionnal information

This section presents information obtained from the best job displayed in the list (i.e. solvers whose names are not hidden).

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