SAT 2009 Competition: main competition (phase2): solvers results per benchmarks

Result page for benchmark

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General information on the benchmark

Bench CategoryAPPLICATION (applications instances)
Best result obtained on this benchmarkSAT
Best CPU time to get the best result obtained on this benchmark4326.83
(Un)Satisfiability was proved
Number of variables31616
Number of clauses95110
Sum of the clauses size224220
Maximum clause length3
Minimum clause length1
Number of clauses of size 164
Number of clauses of size 260982
Number of clauses of size 334064
Number of clauses of size 40
Number of clauses of size 50
Number of clauses of size over 50

Results of the different solvers on this benchmark

Solver NameTraceIDAnswerCPU timeWall clock time
SApperloT base (complete)1831702SAT 4326.83 4328.28
kw 2009-03-20 (complete)1774025? 3600.59 3601.66
SATzilla2009_I 2009-03-22 (complete)1774030? (exit code) 9997.89 10002.6
CircUs 2009-03-23 (complete)1774028? (exit code) 9999.83 10002.4
glucose 1.0 (complete)1774024? (TO) 10000 10004
ManySAT 1.1 aimd 1/2009-03-20 (complete)1774026? (TO) 10000 5012.02
precosat 236 (complete)1774021? (TO) 10000 10002.9
MiniSAT 09z 2009-03-22 (complete)1837323? (TO) 10000 10004.4
LySAT i/2009-03-20 (complete)1774023? (TO) 10000 10003.7
clasp 1.2.0-SAT09-32 (complete)1831701? (TO) 10000.1 10002.8
SAT07 reference solver: Rsat 2007-02-08 (complete)1825175? (TO) 10000.1 10004.8
SAT07 reference solver: picosat 535 (complete)1825176? (TO) 10000.1 10004.5
minisat_cumr p-2009-03-18 (complete)1837322? (TO) 10000.1 10002.9
MiniSat 2.1 (Sat-race'08 Edition) (complete)1774022? (TO) 10000.1 10003.7
MXC 2009-03-10 (complete)1774027? (TO) 10000.1 10003.7
Rsat 2009-03-22 (complete)1774029? (TO) 10000.1 10003.3

Additionnal information

This section presents information obtained from the best job displayed in the list (i.e. solvers whose names are not hidden).

Solution found:
--too large--