SAT 2009 Competition: main competition (phase 1): solvers results per benchmarks

Result page for benchmark

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General information on the benchmark

Bench CategoryAPPLICATION (applications instances)
Best result obtained on this benchmarkUNSAT
Best CPU time to get the best result obtained on this benchmark31.0313
(Un)Satisfiability was proved
Number of variables149210
Number of clauses761906
Sum of the clauses size1988854
Maximum clause length591
Minimum clause length1
Number of clauses of size 1276
Number of clauses of size 2614506
Number of clauses of size 3141844
Number of clauses of size 41307
Number of clauses of size 5115
Number of clauses of size over 53858

Results of the different solvers on this benchmark

Solver NameTraceIDAnswerCPU timeWall clock time
glucose 1.0 (complete)1717556UNSAT 31.0313 31.0494
ManySAT 1.1 aimd 1/2009-03-20 (complete)1717567UNSAT 40.4828 29.6577
ManySAT 1.1 aimd 0/2009-03-20 (complete)1717566UNSAT 42.8935 30.3727
ManySAT 1.1 aimd 2/2009-03-20 (complete)1717568UNSAT 43.6984 31.2664
LySAT i/2009-03-20 (complete)1717564UNSAT 44.7682 44.7918
minisat_cumr p-2009-03-18 (complete)1832071UNSAT 48.3416 48.4294
SAT07 reference solver: Rsat 2007-02-08 (complete)1717603UNSAT 53.0879 53.1953
LySAT c/2009-03-20 (complete)1717565UNSAT 58.6991 58.7539
MiniSAT 09z 2009-03-22 (complete)1832072UNSAT 60.9407 61.0145
precosat 236 (complete)1717560UNSAT 74.5237 74.5704
MoRsat 2009-03-03 (complete)1717555UNSAT 90.8732 90.913
MiniSat 2.1 (Sat-race'08 Edition) (complete)1717595UNSAT 95.1735 95.2087
Rsat 2009-03-22 (complete)1717594UNSAT 104.227 104.284
MXC 2009-03-10 (complete)1717557UNSAT 126.058 126.102
HydraSAT-Multi 2009-03-22-Multi (complete)1717571UNSAT 222.428 222.489
HydraSAT-Flat 2009-03-22-Flat (complete)1717572UNSAT 224.339 224.423
SApperloT hrp (complete)1717563UNSAT 247.568 247.643
CircUs 2009-03-23 (complete)1717593UNSAT 250.507 250.561
SATzilla2009_I 2009-03-22 (complete)1717579UNSAT 252.852 252.987
SAT07 reference solver: picosat 535 (complete)1717604UNSAT 310.8 310.889
IUT_BMB_SAT 1.0 (complete)1717576UNSAT 334.355 334.504
picosat 913 (complete)1717559UNSAT 377.697 377.832
kw 2009-03-20 (complete)1717554UNSAT 389.719 389.813
satake 2009-03-22 (complete)1717602UNSAT 420.46 210.936
HydraSAT 2009-03-22-Base (complete)1717573UNSAT 450.896 451.032
clasp 1.2.0-SAT09-32 (complete)1717561UNSAT 526.229 526.398
SApperloT base (complete)1717562UNSAT 610.395 610.598
SATzilla2009_C 2009-03-22 (complete)1717578UNSAT 704.585 704.946
CSat 2009-03-22 (complete)1717570UNSAT 1192.44 1192.83
iPAWS 2009-03-22 (incomplete)1717569? 0.014997 0.015051
hybridGM 1 (incomplete)1717583? (exit code) 0.015996 0.016926
hybridGM7 7 (incomplete)1717585? (exit code) 0.015996 0.0171369
hybridGM3 3 (incomplete)1717584? (exit code) 0.015997 0.015854
gnovelty+2-H 2009-03-22 (incomplete)1717596? (exit code) 0.06499 0.0649669
gnovelty+2 2009-03-22 (incomplete)1717597? (exit code) 0.065989 0.0654529
gNovelty+-V.2-T-H 2009-03-22 (incomplete)1717600? (exit code) 0.065989 0.0662011
gNovelty+-V.2-T 2009-03-22 (incomplete)1717601? (exit code) 0.066989 0.0655301
gNovelty+-T 2009-03-22 (incomplete)1717599? (exit code) 0.069988 0.0691929
gnovelty+ 2009-03-22 (incomplete)1717586? (exit code) 0.080987 0.0809581
SATzilla2009_R 2009-03-22 (complete)1717577? (exit code) 1199.19 1199.89
march_nn nn (complete)1717575? (MO) 191.599 191.689
march_hi hi (complete)1717574? (MO) 191.835 191.891
VARSAT-random 2009-03-22 (complete)1717589? (TO) 1200.07 1200.44
slstc 1.0 (incomplete)1717590? (TO) 1200.07 1200.52
VARSAT-industrial 2009-03-22 (complete)1717588? (TO) 1200.08 1200.44
adaptg2wsat2009 2009-03-23 (incomplete)1717591? (TO) 1200.09 1200.42
NCVWr 2009-03-22 (incomplete)1717581? (TO) 1200.1 1200.52
VARSAT-crafted 2009-03-22 (complete)1717587? (TO) 1200.1 1200.44
TNM 2009-03-22 (incomplete)1717582? (TO) 1200.1 1200.42
Hybrid2 2009-03-22 (incomplete)1717580? (TO) 1200.1 1200.52
adaptg2wsat2009++ 2009-03-23 (incomplete)1717592? (TO) 1200.1 1200.42
SAT4J CORE 2.1 RC1 (complete)1717553? (TO) 1200.28 1199.74
tts tts-5-0 (complete)1717558Signal 181.727 181.821
ttsth-5-0 2009-03-19 (complete)1717598Signal 198.77 199.095

Additionnal information

This section presents information obtained from the best job displayed in the list (i.e. solvers whose names are not hidden).

Solution found: