PB'10 competition: satisfaction and optimization track: solvers results per benchmarks

Result page for benchmark

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General information on the benchmark

Bench CategoryOPT-SMALLINT-NLC (optimisation, small integers, non linear constraints)
Best result obtained on this benchmarkOPT
Best value of the objective obtained on this benchmark3
Best CPU time to get the best result obtained on this benchmark0.566912
Has Objective FunctionYES
(Un)Satisfiability was provedYES
Best value of the objective function 3
Optimality of the best value was proved YES
Number of variables120
Total number of constraints11
Number of constraints which are clauses0
Number of constraints which are cardinality constraints (but not clauses)0
Number of constraints which are nor clauses,nor cardinality constraints11
Minimum length of a constraint8
Maximum length of a constraint80
Number of terms in the objective function 8
Biggest coefficient in the objective function 128
Number of bits for the biggest coefficient in the objective function 8
Sum of the numbers in the objective function 255
Number of bits of the sum of numbers in the objective function 8
Biggest number in a constraint 32768
Number of bits of the biggest number in a constraint 16
Biggest sum of numbers in a constraint 130560
Number of bits of the biggest sum of numbers17
Number of products (including duplicates)320
Sum of products size (including duplicates)640
Number of different products320
Sum of products size640

Results of the different solvers on this benchmark

Solver NameTraceIDAnswerobjective functionCPU timeWall clock time
SCIPclp SCIP with Clp 1.11.1 (Release Version) as LP solver (complete)2665063OPT3 0.550915 0.552456
SCIPspx SCIP with SoPlex 1.4.2 (CVS Version 30.5.2010) as LP solver (complete)2703062OPT3 0.566912 0.567013
SCIPspx SCIP with SoPlex 1.4.2 (CVS Version 30.5.2010) as LP solver (complete)2666493OPT3 0.635903 0.635946
SCIPnone SCIP without any LP solver (complete)2663633OPT3 5.61315 5.61477
SAT4J PB Resolution 2.2.0 2010-05-26 (complete)2658392OPT3 109.882 108.054
wbo 1.4b (fixed) (complete)2702143OPT3 127.79 127.844
wbo 1.4b (complete)2702142OPT3 128.46 128.606
bsolo 3.2 Cl (complete)2670580OPT3 224.91 224.97
SAT4J PB RES // CP 2.2.0 2010-05-31 (complete)2661751OPT3 231.592 122.286
bsolo 3.2 Card (complete)2670579OPT3 1164.35 1164.65
PB/CT 0.1 (complete)2667923SAT (TO)3 1800.02 1800.51
PB/CT 0.1 fixed (complete)2681517SAT (TO)3 1800.07 1800.51
PBPASSolver 2010-06-13 (complete)2673339? (TO) 1800.03 1800.62
pb_cplex 2010-06-29 (complete)2696972? (TO) 1800.07 1051.53
SAT4J PB CuttingPlanes 2.2.0 2010-05-26 (complete)2670047? (TO) 1800.31 1773.76

Additionnal information

This section presents information obtained from the best job displayed in the list (i.e. solvers whose names are not hidden).

objective function: 3
Solution found:
-x120 -x119 -x118 -x117 -x116 x115 x114 -x113 -x112 -x111 -x110 -x109 -x108 -x107 -x106 x105 x80 x79 -x78 x77 x76 x75 -x74 x73 -x104 -x103
-x102 -x101 -x100 -x99 -x98 -x97 x72 -x71 -x70 x69 x68 x67 x66 x65 -x96 -x95 -x94 -x93 -x92 -x91 -x90 x89 -x64 -x63 x62 x61 -x60 x59 -x58
x57 -x88 -x87 -x86 -x85 -x84 -x83 x82 -x81 -x56 x55 x54 -x53 -x52 x51 x50 x49 -x48 -x47 -x46 -x45 -x44 x43 x42 x41 -x40 -x39 -x38 -x37 -x36
-x35 x34 x33 -x32 -x31 -x30 -x29 -x28 -x27 x26 x25 -x24 -x23 -x22 -x21 -x20 -x19 x18 x17 x16 x15 -x14 -x13 x12 x11 -x10 x9 -x8 -x7 -x6 -x5
-x4 -x3 x2 x1