CSP 2008 Competition: solvers results per benchmarks

Result page for benchmark

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General information on the benchmark

Bench Category2-ARY-EXT (binary constraints in extension)
Best result obtained on this benchmarkSAT
Best CPU time to get the best result obtained on this benchmark21.0328
(Un)Satisfiability was proved
Number of variables40
Number of constraints332
Maximum constraint arity2
Maximum domain size19
Number of constraints which are defined in extension332
Number of constraints which are defined in intension0
Global constraints used (with number of constraints)

Results of the different solvers on this benchmark

Solver NameTraceIDAnswerCPU timeWall clock time
Concrete + CSP4J - Tabu Engine 2008-05-301101718SAT 21.0328 21.2658
Mistral-prime 1.3131101733SAT 32.5071 32.7611
Abscon 112v4 AC1101736SAT 35.7846 35.9971
Mistral-option 1.3141101732SAT 36.2165 36.3674
Abscon 112v4 ESAC1101737SAT 37.8113 38.2062
MDG-noprobe 2008-06-271101723SAT 38.6601 38.9656
MDG-probe 2008-06-271101722SAT 38.7861 39.1622
cpHydra k_101101738SAT 40.1349 40.9769
cpHydra k_401101739SAT 40.4698 40.9969
bpsolver 2008-06-271101727SAT 49.5435 49.9333
Concrete + CPS4J 2008-05-301101720SAT 125.091 126.233
choco2_dwdeg 2008-06-261101729SAT 126.353 126.411
choco2_impwdeg 2008-06-261101728SAT 131.174 131.82
spider 2008-06-141101721SAT 266.547 267.818
casper zao1101734SAT 784.138 784.439
Sugar v1.13+picosat1101725SAT 1044.31 1049.73
Sugar v1.13+minisat1101726SAT 1079.55 1089.88
Minion/Tailor 2008-07-041106699SAT 1297.18 1299.08
casper zito1101735SAT 1432.41 1447.02
galac E1101731? (TO) 1800 1813.41
Concrete + CSP4J - WMC Engine 2008-05-301101719? (TO) 1800.04 1809.42
galac M1101730? (TO) 1800.09 1804.11
SAT4J CSP 2008-06-131101724? (TO) 1800.16 1806.69

Additionnal information

This section presents information obtained from the best job displayed in the list (i.e. solvers whose names are not hidden).

Solution found:
12 14 14 2 1 12 16 2 17 17 7 7 18 10 8 8 9 1 7 6 18 16 2 1 9 6 3 15 4 11 4 18 1 18 10 1 18 17 15 17