CSP 2008 Competition: solvers results per benchmarks

Result page for benchmark

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General information on the benchmark

Bench CategoryN-ARY-EXT (n-ary constraints in extension)
Best result obtained on this benchmarkSAT
Best CPU time to get the best result obtained on this benchmark2.87856
(Un)Satisfiability was proved
Number of variables20
Number of constraints60
Maximum constraint arity3
Maximum domain size20
Number of constraints which are defined in extension60
Number of constraints which are defined in intension0
Global constraints used (with number of constraints)

Results of the different solvers on this benchmark

Solver NameTraceIDAnswerCPU timeWall clock time
Mistral-option 1.3141079846SAT 2.87856 3.21705
Concrete + CPS4J 2008-05-301079833SAT 3.87941 3.94667
MDG-noprobe 2008-06-271079837SAT 5.04423 5.09525
Mistral-prime 1.3131079847SAT 5.51016 5.56079
MDG-probe 2008-06-271079836SAT 5.87611 6.15747
cpHydra k_401079853SAT 13.225 13.538
cpHydra k_101079852SAT 13.456 13.6381
Minion/Tailor 2008-07-041106845SAT 29.3995 29.6767
mddc-solv 2008-06-091079834SAT 31.1823 31.4559
spider 2008-06-141079835SAT 86.5238 87.3213
bpsolver 2008-06-271079841SAT 108.257 108.694
Concrete + CSP4J - Tabu Engine 2008-05-301079831SAT 128.386 129.52
Sugar v1.13+picosat1079839SAT 133.791 135.414
choco2_dwdeg 2008-06-261079843SAT 264.217 264.427
SAT4J CSP 2008-06-131079838SAT 468.712 470.095
Sugar v1.13+minisat1079840SAT 561.944 567.325
choco2_impwdeg 2008-06-261079842SAT 766.715 773.296
casper zito1079849SAT 775.946 782.985
Abscon 112v4 AC1079850SAT 839.47 843.939
Abscon 112v4 ESAC1079851SAT 865.074 865.488
casper zao1079848SAT 930.371 935.182
galac E1079845? (TO) 1800.06 1805.41
Concrete + CSP4J - WMC Engine 2008-05-301079832? (TO) 1800.07 1805.42
galac M1079844? (TO) 1800.08 1816.41

Additionnal information

This section presents information obtained from the best job displayed in the list (i.e. solvers whose names are not hidden).

Solution found:
18 17 0 8 11 9 2 11 9 5 6 3 9 16 15 8 14 4 3 2