CSP 2006 Competition (second round): solvers results per benchmarks

Result page for benchmark

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General information on the benchmark

Bench CategoryN-ARY-INT (n-ary constraints in intension)
Best result obtained on this benchmarkUNSAT
Best CPU time to get the best result obtained on this benchmark0.266958
(Un)Satisfiability was proved
Number of variables2655
Number of constraints2499
Maximum constraint arity3
Maximum domain size20001
Number of constraints which are defined in extension0
Number of constraints which are defined in intension2499
Global constraints used (with number of constraints)

Results of the different solvers on this benchmark

Solver NameTraceIDAnswerCPU timeWall clock time
BPrologCSPSolver70a 2006-12-13236433UNSAT 0.266958 0.282995
CSP4J - MAC 2007-01-16272376? 3.68244 3.73908
sat4jCSP 1.7 RC BF3236441? 4.13337 4.16679
SAT4JCSP-CACHED 1.7 RC BF3236440? 4.23236 4.2119
CSP4J - MAC 2006-12-19236438? 4.36633 4.49124
CSP4J - Combo 2006-12-19236437? 5.17821 5.27951
Abscon 109 AC236436? 7.2599 7.32055
Abscon 109 ESAC236435? 9.16861 9.24892
sugar 0.40236444? 127.039 159.098
galacJ beta 1236434? (TO) 1800.08 1811.79
galac 1236439? (TO) 1800.1 1800.69
Mistral 2006-12-04236442Signal 2.06868 2.13961
Tramontane 2006-12-04236443Signal 2.07068 2.14323
CSPtoSAT+minisat 0.3236445Signal 7.31089 8.68115