CSP 2006 Competition (second round): solvers results per benchmarks

Result page for benchmark

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General information on the benchmark

Bench Category2-ARY-EXT (binary constraints in extension)
Best result obtained on this benchmarkUNSAT
Best CPU time to get the best result obtained on this benchmark0.230964
(Un)Satisfiability was provedNO
Number of variables297
Number of constraints4103
Maximum constraint arity2
Maximum domain size7
Number of constraints which are defined in extension4103
Number of constraints which are defined in intension0
Global constraints used (with number of constraints)

Results of the different solvers on this benchmark

Solver NameTraceIDAnswerCPU timeWall clock time
VALCSP 3.1267923UNSAT 0.228964 0.22872
VALCSP 3.0194096UNSAT 0.230964 0.262655
Mistral 2006-12-04194101UNSAT 0.282956 0.286097
Tramontane 2006-12-04194102UNSAT 0.284955 0.288054
CSPtoSAT+minisat 0.3194104UNSAT 0.595908 0.677149
BPrologCSPSolver70a 2006-12-13194088UNSAT 0.697893 0.699459
buggy_2_5_s 2007-01-08194099UNSAT 0.700893 0.723523
buggy_2_5 2007-01-08194100UNSAT 0.772882 0.788764
Abscon 109 ESAC194091UNSAT 1.01384 1.15362
Abscon 109 AC194092UNSAT 1.03484 1.12087
galacJ beta 1194090UNSAT 1.51377 1.60648
CSP4J - Combo 2006-12-19194093UNSAT 3.32649 3.41432
galac 1194095UNSAT 4.24435 4.31317
SAT4JCSP-CACHED 1.7 RC BF3194097UNSAT 4.38733 2.74804
sat4jCSP 1.7 RC BF3194098UNSAT 4.48932 2.7044
CSP4J - MAC 2006-12-19194094UNSAT 4.54631 4.65788
CSP4J - MAC 2007-01-16269882UNSAT 5.12222 5.17675
Diarmuid-wtdi 2006-12-21194086UNSAT 12.7321 12.7439
sugar 0.40194103UNSAT 22.77 23.3479
rjw-solver 2006-12-09194089UNSAT 44.7072 44.7335
rjw-solver 2007-01-21283169UNSAT 46.4169 46.4323
Diarmuid-rndi 2006-12-21194087UNSAT 60.0079 60.0875
Diarmuid-rndi 2007-01-22286107UNSAT 158.825 160.199