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Usage : qbfl.0.2 [<option> ...] [ <qdimacs_file.gz> ]

where <option> is one of the following options
-c | --contact displays the adress where to contact the developper
-h | --help displays this short help about qbfl
-p | --pretty-print clear the instance and displays it
-t<sec> | --time-out=<sec> to specify a timeout
-v | --version displays the version and out
-H<heur> | --<HEUR> to specify the choosing variable heuristics :
- heur = 0 or HEUR = HEUR_PREMIER
- heur = 1 or HEUR = HEUR_RANDOM
- heur = 2 ou HEUR = HEUR_JW
- heur = 3 or HEUR = HEUR_LEXICO
- heur = 4 or HEUR = HEUR_QBFL
-vt<freq> | --vrai-trivial=<freq> to specify the trivial truth testing frequency
-ft<freq> | --faux-trivial=<freq> to specify the trivial falsity testing frequency on Σ

qbfl is developped by Florian Letombe

Letombe Florian