SAT 2009 Competition: main competition (phase2): solvers results per benchmarks

Result page for benchmark

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General information on the benchmark

Bench CategoryCRAFTED (crafted instances)
Best result obtained on this benchmarkSAT
Best CPU time to get the best result obtained on this benchmark9.38457
(Un)Satisfiability was proved
Number of variables479
Number of clauses123509
Sum of the clauses size724108
Maximum clause length13
Minimum clause length1
Number of clauses of size 164
Number of clauses of size 21999
Number of clauses of size 30
Number of clauses of size 41026
Number of clauses of size 56642
Number of clauses of size over 5113778

Results of the different solvers on this benchmark

Solver NameTraceIDAnswerCPU timeWall clock time
SAT07 reference solver: minisat SAT 2007 (complete)1785770SAT 9.38457 9.38412
precosat 236 (complete)1784270SAT 498.996 499.139
MXC 2009-03-10 (complete)1784273SAT 531.142 531.277
SATzilla2009_C 2009-03-22 (complete)1825815? (exit code) 4998.8 5000.47
SAT07 reference solver: SATzilla CRAFTED (complete)1785771? (exit code) 4999.07 5001.36
glucose 1.0 (complete)1784272? (TO) 5000.03 5002.11
IUT_BMB_SAT 1.0 (complete)1785769? (TO) 5000.06 5002.62
VARSAT-industrial 2009-03-22 (complete)1785772? (TO) 5000.07 4999.42
SApperloT base (complete)1785773? (TO) 5000.08 5001.32
LySAT c/2009-03-20 (complete)1825482? (TO) 5000.09 5001.41
MiniSat 2.1 (Sat-race'08 Edition) (complete)1784271? (TO) 5000.11 5001.43
clasp 1.2.0-SAT09-32 (complete)1785768? (TO) 5000.12 5001.52

Additionnal information

This section presents information obtained from the best job displayed in the list (i.e. solvers whose names are not hidden).

Solution found:
1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 7 -8 9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 30 -31 32 -33 -34 -35 -36 -37 -38 -39
-40 -41 -42 -43 44 -45 46 -47 -48 -49 -50 -51 -52 -53 -54 -55 -56 -57 -58 59 -60 -61 -62 -63 -64 -65 66 -67 -68 -69 -70 -71 -72 -73 -74 -75
-76 -77 78 -79 -80 -81 82 -83 -84 -85 -86 -87 -88 -89 -90 -91 -92 -93 -94 -95 -96 -97 98 -99 -100 -101 102 -103 -104 -105 -106 -107 -108
-109 -110 -111 -112 -113 -114 -115 -116 -117 -118 119 -120 -121 -122 -123 -124 -125 -126 -127 -128 -129 -130 131 -132 -133 -134 -135 -136
-137 -138 -139 -140 -141 -142 -143 144 -145 -146 -147 -148 -149 -150 -151 152 -153 -154 -155 -156 -157 -158 -159 -160 -161 -162 -163 -164
-165 166 -167 -168 -169 -170 -171 -172 -173 174 175 -176 -177 -178 -179 180 181 182 -183 -184 -185 186 -187 188 189 190 -191 192 -193 -194
-195 196 -197 -198 -199 -200 201 -202 -203 204 205 206 207 -208 209 210 211 212 -213 214 215 -216 217 218 219 -220 -221 -222 -223 -224 225
-226 -227 -228 -229 -230 -231 232 -233 -234 235 -236 237 -238 -239 -240 -241 -242 243 -244 245 246 -247 248 -249 -250 -251 252 253 -254 255
256 257 258 -259 -260 -261 -262 -263 264 265 -266 -267 -268 269 -270 -271 272 -273 274 275 -276 277 -278 279 -280 -281 -282 283 284 285 286
-287 288 289 -290 -291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 -301 302 -303 -304 -305 -306 -307 308 -309 310 -311 -312 -313 -314 -315 316 -317
318 -319 -320 321 -322 323 324 -325 326 -327 -328 329 -330 331 -332 -333 334 -335 -336 -337 -338 339 -340 -341 342 -343 -344 -345 -346 347
348 -349 350 351 -352 353 354 355 356 -357 358 359 -360 361 362 363 -364 -365 -366 367 -368 369 370 371 -372 -373 -374 375 -376 377 378 379
-380 -381 -382 383 -384 385 386 387 -388 -389 -390 -391 -392 -393 -394 -395 -396 -397 -398 -399 -400 -401 -402 -403 404 405 406 -407 408
-409 -410 -411 -412 -413 -414 415 -416 417 418 419 420 421 422 -423 424 -425 -426 -427 -428 429 430 -431 432 -433 -434 435 -436 437 438 -439
440 -441 -442 443 -444 -445 -446 -447 -448 -449 -450 -451 -452 453 -454 -455 -456 -457 -458 -459 -460 -461 462 -463 -464 -465 466 -467 -468
-469 -470 471 472 -473 -474 -475 -476 477 -478 -479 0