SAT 2009 Competition: main competition (phase2): solvers results per benchmarks

Result page for benchmark

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General information on the benchmark

Bench CategoryAPPLICATION (applications instances)
Best result obtained on this benchmarkUNSAT
Best CPU time to get the best result obtained on this benchmark14.9167
(Un)Satisfiability was proved
Number of variables980
Number of clauses47620
Sum of the clauses size141221
Maximum clause length7
Minimum clause length2
Number of clauses of size 10
Number of clauses of size 21731
Number of clauses of size 345866
Number of clauses of size 40
Number of clauses of size 50
Number of clauses of size over 523

Results of the different solvers on this benchmark

Solver NameTraceIDAnswerCPU timeWall clock time
MiniSat 2.1 (Sat-race'08 Edition) (complete)1775212UNSAT 14.9167 14.9216
SApperloT base (complete)1831940UNSAT 15.9566 15.9607
CircUs 2009-03-23 (complete)1775218UNSAT 17.1014 17.1071
MXC 2009-03-10 (complete)1775217UNSAT 22.7665 22.774
SAT07 reference solver: picosat 535 (complete)1825444UNSAT 24.5163 24.5253
glucose 1.0 (complete)1775214UNSAT 25.1482 25.1657
precosat 236 (complete)1775211UNSAT 28.9496 28.959
Rsat 2009-03-22 (complete)1775219UNSAT 30.3734 30.3974
LySAT i/2009-03-20 (complete)1775213UNSAT 32.1661 32.1828
clasp 1.2.0-SAT09-32 (complete)1831939UNSAT 35.5476 35.5578
MiniSAT 09z 2009-03-22 (complete)1837561UNSAT 37.0694 37.0841
kw 2009-03-20 (complete)1775215UNSAT 41.8056 41.8195
SATzilla2009_I 2009-03-22 (complete)1775220UNSAT 53.6048 53.6437
ManySAT 1.1 aimd 1/2009-03-20 (complete)1775216UNSAT 66.8578 33.7615
SAT07 reference solver: Rsat 2007-02-08 (complete)1825443UNSAT 100.175 100.22
minisat_cumr p-2009-03-18 (complete)1837560UNSAT 171.418 171.509

Additionnal information

This section presents information obtained from the best job displayed in the list (i.e. solvers whose names are not hidden).

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