PB'12 competition: satisfaction and optimization track: solvers results per benchmarks

Result page for benchmark

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General information on the benchmark

Bench CategoryDEC-SMALLINT-LIN (no optimisation, small integers, linear constraints)
Best result obtained on this benchmark
Best value of the objective obtained on this benchmark
Best CPU time to get the best result obtained on this benchmark
Has Objective FunctionNO
(Un)Satisfiability was proved
Best value of the objective function
Optimality of the best value was proved
Number of variables19873
Total number of constraints20209
Number of constraints which are clauses20042
Number of constraints which are cardinality constraints (but not clauses)167
Number of constraints which are nor clauses,nor cardinality constraints0
Minimum length of a constraint1
Maximum length of a constraint167
Number of terms in the objective function 0
Biggest coefficient in the objective function 0
Number of bits for the biggest coefficient in the objective function 0
Sum of the numbers in the objective function 0
Number of bits of the sum of numbers in the objective function 0
Biggest number in a constraint 1
Number of bits of the biggest number in a constraint 1
Biggest sum of numbers in a constraint 168
Number of bits of the biggest sum of numbers8
Number of products (including duplicates)0
Sum of products size (including duplicates)0
Number of different products0
Sum of products size0

Results of the different solvers on this benchmark

Solver NameTraceIDAnswerCPU timeWall clock time
PB10: SCIPspx SCIP with SoPlex 1.4.2 (CVS Version 30.5.2010) as LP solver (complete)3742212? 1789.85 1790.15
PB09: SCIPspx SCIP with SoPLEX 1.4.1(24.4.2009) (complete)3742207? 1793.96 1794.25
SCIP spx standard SCIP with SoPlex standard fixed (complete)3693005? 1796.9 1797.19
SCIP spx E SCIP Exp with SoPlex fixed (complete)3691839? 1796.94 1797.22
SCIP spx SCIP with SoPlex fixed (complete)3690673? 1797.08 1797.36
bsolo 3.2 (complete)3707675? 1798.01 1798.57
PB09: bsolo 3.1 (complete)3742206? 1798.04 1798.58
PB10: pb_cplex 2010-06-29 (complete)3742211? 1798.8 1799.09
pwbo 2.02 (complete)3726705? 1799.53 1800.02
pwbo 2.0 (complete)3704404? 1799.55 1800.01
wbo 1.72 (complete)3727214? 1799.55 1800.01
wbo 1.7 (complete)3704913? 1799.59 1800.01
pb2sat 2012-05-19 (complete)3695781? (problem) 0.226965 0.469962
pb2satCp2 2012-05-19 (complete)3694185? (problem) 0.228965 0.483321
npSolver inc-topdown-quickBound (complete)3702165? (problem) 0.230964 0.480952
npSolver inc-topDown (complete)3697377? (problem) 0.238962 0.470549
npSolver inc (complete)3698973? (problem) 0.245961 0.477395
npSolver 1.0 (complete)3700569? (problem) 0.247961 0.559259
PB11: borg pb-dec-11.04.03 (complete)3742213? (MO) 288.09 285.963
PB07: Pueblo 1.4 (incomplete)3720821? (TO) 1800.01 1800.31
npSolver inc-topDown (fixed) (complete)3746534? (TO) 1800.01 1800.41
PBPASSolver-CARD.DP 2012-05-28 (complete)3718797? (TO) 1800.02 1800.91
PB12: minisatp 1.0-2-g022594c (complete)3722870? (TO) 1800.02 1800.62
toysat 2012-05-17 (complete)3706093? (TO) 1800.03 1800.41
PB10: SAT4J PB RES // CP 2.2.0 2010-05-31 (complete)3742210? (TO) 1800.03 903.453
PB10: borg-pb 10.05.30 (complete)3742209? (TO) 1800.03 1716.31
PBPASSolver-CARD.SN 2012-05-28 (complete)3719166? (TO) 1800.04 1801.02
toysat 2012-06-01 (complete)3724466? (TO) 1800.04 1800.41
npSolver inc-topdown-quickBound (fixed) (complete)3751322? (TO) 1800.05 1800.51
npSolver inc (fixed) (complete)3748130? (TO) 1800.06 1800.51
PB07: SAT4JPseudoResolution 2007-03-23 (complete)3742205? (TO) 1800.07 1795.42
SAT4J PB specific settings 2.3.2 snapshot (complete)3710021? (TO) 1800.09 1795.18
PB07: minisat+ 1.14 (complete)3722187? (TO) 1800.09 1800.51
npSolver 1.0 (fixed) (complete)3749726? (TO) 1800.09 1800.62
clasp 2.0.6-R5325 (dec) (complete)3708841? (TO) 1800.1 1800.41
PB07: PB-clasp 2007-04-10 (complete)3742203? (TO) 1800.11 1800.41
PB07: bsolo 3.0.17 (complete)3742204? (TO) 1800.12 1800.64
SAT 4j PB RES // CP 2.3.2 Snapshot (complete)3689648? (TO) 1800.15 921.382
Sat 4j PB Resolution 2.3.2 Snapshot (complete)3689649? (TO) 1800.67 1783.18
PB11: Sat4j Res//CP 2.3.0 (complete)3742214? (TO) 1800.72 906.967
PB09: SAT4J Pseudo Resolution 2.1.1 (complete)3742208? (TO) 1800.91 1797.1
PB11: SCIP spx E_2 2011-06-10 (fixed) (complete)3742215? (TO) 1802.27 1802.55

Additionnal information

This section presents information obtained from the best job displayed in the list (i.e. solvers whose names are not hidden).

objective function:
Solution found: