PB'10 competition: WBO track: benchmarks results per solver

Result page for solver SCIPclp SCIP with Clp 1.11.1 (Release Version) as LP solver (complete)

Category "both soft and hard constraints, small integers, linear constraints" (PARTIAL-SMALLINT-LIN)

Solver proved unsatisfiability (UNSATISFIABLE) (1 run) [Show/Hide]

Solver found the best solution (281 runs) [Show/Hide]

Solver found a solution, but probably not the best one (202 runs) [Show/Hide]

Solver timed out but found at least a solution (1 run) [Show/Hide]

Solver didn't decide (UNKNOWN) (40 runs) [Show/Hide]

Solver timed out (no solution given) (1 run) [Show/Hide]

Solver was terminated by a signal (10 runs) [Show/Hide]

Category "only soft constraints, big integers, linear constraints" (SOFT-BIGINT-LIN)

Solver found a solution, but probably not the best one (3 runs) [Show/Hide]

Solver timed out but found at least a solution (2 runs) [Show/Hide]

Solver timed out (no solution given) (41 runs) [Show/Hide]

Category "only soft constraints, small integers, linear constraints" (SOFT-SMALLINT-LIN)

Solver found the best solution (113 runs) [Show/Hide]

Solver found a solution, but probably not the best one (87 runs) [Show/Hide]

Solver timed out but found at least a solution (1 run) [Show/Hide]