Result page for solver bsolo

Category "no optimization function" (SAT)

Solver proved unsatisfiability (UNSATISFIABLE) (36 runs) [Show/Hide]

Solver found a solution (SATISFIABLE) (8 runs) [Show/Hide]

Solver didn't decide (UNKNOWN) (69 runs) [Show/Hide]

Category "optimization, small integers" (OPTSMALLINT)

Solver proved unsatisfiability (UNSATISFIABLE) (10 runs) [Show/Hide]

Solver found optimum (OPTIMUM FOUND) (159 runs) [Show/Hide]

Solver found a solution (SATISFIABLE) (159 runs) [Show/Hide]

Solver timed out but found at least a solution (21 runs) [Show/Hide]

Solver didn't decide (UNKNOWN) (31 runs) [Show/Hide]

Solver exceeded the memory limit (no solution given) (6 runs) [Show/Hide]

Category "optimization, medium integers" (OPTMEDINT)

Solver found optimum (OPTIMUM FOUND) (28 runs) [Show/Hide]

Solver found a solution (SATISFIABLE) (78 runs) [Show/Hide]

Solver timed out but found at least a solution (4 runs) [Show/Hide]

Solver didn't decide (UNKNOWN) (50 runs) [Show/Hide]

Solver timed out (no solution given) (5 runs) [Show/Hide]

Solver exceeded the memory limit (no solution given) (26 runs) [Show/Hide]

Category "optimization, big integers" (OPTBIGINT)

Solver proved unsatisfiability (UNSATISFIABLE) (90 runs) [Show/Hide]

Solver found optimum (OPTIMUM FOUND) (9 runs) [Show/Hide]

Solver found a solution (SATISFIABLE) (81 runs) [Show/Hide]

Solver timed out but found at least a solution (1 runs) [Show/Hide]

Solver exceeded the memory limit but found at least a solution (1 runs) [Show/Hide]

Solver didn't decide (UNKNOWN) (241 runs) [Show/Hide]

Solver timed out (no solution given) (5 runs) [Show/Hide]

Solver exceeded the memory limit (no solution given) (54 runs) [Show/Hide]