The updated deadlines of the competition are defined below:
Opening of the registration site | May 2009 |
Pre-registration of contestants authors planning to submit solvers or benchmarks must have requested a login/password on the submission site before that date. |
May 30, 2009 |
Final registration (submission of solvers and
benchmarks) authors must submit solvers or benchmarks before that date |
June 10, 2009 |
Test of solvers conformance solvers will be tested on a limited number of simple benchmarks to check conformance with the competition rules. Problems will be reported to authors who will have one week to return a fixed version of their solver. |
1-15 June 2009 |
Publication of the list of
benchmarks selected by the independent committee the names and md5sum of benchmarks selected by the independent committee to evaluate the solvers will be published. The selection committee will try to keep some instances hidden to both contestants and organizers for one more week (to ensure that all solvers be run on a few instances that were never tested before). No benchmark can be added to the list after it is published. |
Early June |
Competition running Authors will be able to consult the results of their solver regularly in order to report potential problems with the evaluation environment. By the end of July, authors are requested to check the first results of the competition in order to report potential problems as early as possible. |
after June, 16 |
Deadline for submitting a
description of the solvers or benchmarks |
July, 15 |
Final limit for reporting possible problems within the evaluation environment. | August, 15 |
Final results available | during CP 2009 |
If your objective is only to participate to the 2009 competition, then read the dedicated description of the format in the following document:
Other tools that are currently available from this page are: