PB'24 competition: WBO track: available results
This site gives some information based on the answers provided by the different solvers. Not all answers given by a solver can be checked efficiently. Therefore, some answers given by a solver may be wrong but this may be unnoticed by the evaluation environment.
Here are the checks made for each answer.
- SATISFIABLE answers:
The model provided by the solver is given to a verifier program which checks that all constraints are actually satisfied. These answers are the only ones that are guaranteed to be true.
The only check that is made is to verify that no other solver found a solution to this instance. An UNSATISFIABLE answer is not reliable. Some solvers may wrongly indicate UNSATISFIABLE but unless another solver finds a model, this will remain undetected.
- OPTIMUM FOUND answers:
Beyond verifying the model and the value of the objective function, the only check that is made is to verify that no other solver found a better solution to this instance. An OPTIMUM FOUND answer is not reliable. Some solvers may wrongly indicate OPTIMUM FOUND but unless another solver finds a better model, this will remain undetected.
General information
Global results of solvers
Individual results of solvers
Some graphs