PB'09 competition: time to solve an instance

The figures below represent the number of instances that a given solver is able to solve in a given amount of time. The x axis represent the number of instances which the solver is able to solve when it is given y seconds for each instances.

These graphs are drawn for the different possible definitive answers in the different categories of benchmarks.

Category DEC-SMALLINT-LIN (no optimisation, small integers, linear constraints)

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Category DEC-SMALLINT-NLC (no optimisation, small integers, non linear constraints)

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Category OPT-BIGINT-LIN (optimisation, big integers, linear constraints)

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Download the above graph as a PDF file / as an EPS file

Download the above graph as a PDF file / as an EPS file

Category OPT-SMALLINT-LIN (optimisation, small integers, linear constraints)

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Download the above graph as a PDF file / as an EPS file

Download the above graph as a PDF file / as an EPS file

Category OPT-SMALLINT-NLC (optimisation, small integers, non linear constraints)

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Download the above graph as a PDF file / as an EPS file

Download the above graph as a PDF file / as an EPS file

Category PURE-SAT (instances containing only clauses)

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Download the above graph as a PDF file / as an EPS file

Download the above graph as a PDF file / as an EPS file