Result page for solver pb2sat+zchaff

Category "no optimization function" (SAT)

Solver proved unsatisfiability (UNSATISFIABLE) (42 runs) [Show/Hide]

Solver found a solution (SATISFIABLE) (36 runs) [Show/Hide]

Solver timed out (no solution given) (35 runs) [Show/Hide]

Category "optimization, small integers" (OPTSMALLINT)

Solver proved unsatisfiability (UNSATISFIABLE) (10 runs) [Show/Hide]

Solver found optimum (OPTIMUM FOUND) (136 runs) [Show/Hide]

Solver timed out but found at least a solution (148 runs) [Show/Hide]

Solver exceeded the memory limit but found at least a solution (10 runs) [Show/Hide]

Solver timed out (no solution given) (33 runs) [Show/Hide]

Solver exceeded the memory limit (no solution given) (7 runs) [Show/Hide]

Solver didn't output a solution line and terminated with an unexpected exit code (42 runs) [Show/Hide]

Category "optimization, medium integers" (OPTMEDINT)

Solver found optimum (OPTIMUM FOUND) (14 runs) [Show/Hide]

Solver timed out but found at least a solution (14 runs) [Show/Hide]

Solver exceeded the memory limit but found at least a solution (2 runs) [Show/Hide]

Solver timed out (no solution given) (56 runs) [Show/Hide]

Solver exceeded the memory limit (no solution given) (31 runs) [Show/Hide]

Solver didn't output a solution line and terminated with an unexpected exit code (71 runs) [Show/Hide]

Solver was terminated by a signal (3 runs) [Show/Hide]

Category "optimization, big integers" (OPTBIGINT)

Solver proved unsatisfiability (UNSATISFIABLE) (8 runs) [Show/Hide]

Solver found optimum (OPTIMUM FOUND) (11 runs) [Show/Hide]

Solver timed out but found at least a solution (11 runs) [Show/Hide]

Solver timed out (no solution given) (69 runs) [Show/Hide]

Solver exceeded the memory limit (no solution given) (119 runs) [Show/Hide]

Solver didn't output a solution line and terminated with an unexpected exit code (259 runs) [Show/Hide]

Solver was terminated by a signal (5 runs) [Show/Hide]