Some explanations

A solver is run under the control of another program named runsolver. runsolver is in charge of imposing the CPU time limit and the memory limit to the solver. It also monitors some information about the process. The trace of the execution of a solver is divided in four parts:
    These informations are related to the script which will launch the solver. The most important informations are the command line given to the solver, the md5sum of the different files and the dump of the /proc/cpuinfo and /proc/meminfo which provide some useful information on the computer.
    This is the output of the solver (stdout and stderr).
    This is the informations gathered by the runsolver program. It first prints the different limits. There's a first limit on CPU time set to 1200 seconds. After this time has ellapsed, runsolver sends a SIGTERM and 2 seconds later a SIGKILL to the solver. For safety, there's also another limit set to 1230 seconds which will send a SIGXPU to the solver. The last limit is on the virtual memory used by the process (900Mb).
    Every ten seconds, the runsolver process fetches the content of /proc/loadavg, /proc/pid/stat and /proc/pid/statm (see man proc) and prints it as raw data. This is only recorded in case we need to investigate the behaviour of a solver. The memory used by the solver (vsize) is also given every ten seconds.
    When the solver exits, runsolver prints some informations such as status and time. CPU usage is the ratio CPU Time/Real Time.
    The output of the solver is piped to a verifier program which will search a value line "v " and, if found, will check that the given interpretation satisfies all constraints.

General information on the benchmark

Bench Categoryoptimization, big integers (OPTBIGINT)
Has Objective FunctionYES
(Un)Satisfiability was proved
Best value of the objective function
Optimality of the best value was proved
Number of terms in the objective function 154999
Biggest coefficient in the objective function 4294967296
Number of bits for the biggest coefficient in the objective function 33
Sum of the numbers in the objective function 29657420026984
Number of bits of the sum of numbers in the objective function 45
Biggest number in a constraint 4294967296
Number of bits of the biggest number in a constraint 33
Biggest sum of numbers in a constraint 29657420026984
Number of bits of the biggest sum of numbers45
Best result obtained on this benchmarkUNSAT
Best CPU time to get the best result obtained on this benchmark1.43978
Number of variables155000
Total number of constraints5150
Number of constraints which are clauses0
Number of constraints which are cardinality constraints (but not clauses)0
Number of constraints which are nor clauses,nor cardinality constraints5150
Minimum length of a constraint31
Maximum length of a constraint3000

Trace number 20848

LAUNCH ON wulflinc12 THE 2005-04-21 22:20:59 (client local time)
PB2005-SCRIPT v4.0 
MARKUPS: idlaunch=14051 boxname=wulflinc12 idbench=1081 idsolver=11 numberseed=0
MD5SUM BENCH:  a137a4431766bfb5dcfb15040aa6f686  /oldhome/oroussel/tmp/wulflinc12/normalized-mps-v2-20-10-n3703.opb
REAL COMMAND:  minisat+ -S /oldhome/oroussel/tmp/wulflinc12/normalized-mps-v2-20-10-n3703.opb /oldhome/oroussel/tmp/wulflinc12/normalized-mps-v2-20-10-n3703.opb
processor	: 0
vendor_id	: GenuineIntel
cpu family	: 6
model		: 7
model name	: Pentium III (Katmai)
stepping	: 2
cpu MHz		: 451.091
cache size	: 512 KB
fdiv_bug	: no
hlt_bug		: no
f00f_bug	: no
coma_bug	: no
fpu		: yes
fpu_exception	: yes
cpuid level	: 2
wp		: yes
flags		: fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 mmx fxsr sse
bogomips	: 888.83

processor	: 1
vendor_id	: GenuineIntel
cpu family	: 6
model		: 7
model name	: Pentium III (Katmai)
stepping	: 2
cpu MHz		: 451.091
cache size	: 512 KB
fdiv_bug	: no
hlt_bug		: no
f00f_bug	: no
coma_bug	: no
fpu		: yes
fpu_exception	: yes
cpuid level	: 2
wp		: yes
flags		: fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 mmx fxsr sse
bogomips	: 899.07

MemTotal:      1034660 kB
MemFree:        231040 kB
Buffers:         33428 kB
Cached:         747860 kB
SwapCached:        508 kB
Active:         154756 kB
Inactive:       628652 kB
HighTotal:      131008 kB
HighFree:          252 kB
LowTotal:       903652 kB
LowFree:        230788 kB
SwapTotal:     2097136 kB
SwapFree:      2095888 kB
Dirty:              40 kB
Writeback:           0 kB
Mapped:           5276 kB
Slab:            14612 kB
Committed_AS:    63592 kB
PageTables:        316 kB
VmallocTotal:   114680 kB
VmallocUsed:      1364 kB
VmallocChunk:   113256 kB
JOB ENDED THE 2005-04-21 22:21:01 (client local time) WITH STATUS 1 IN 0.97885 SECONDS
stats: 14051 7 0.97885 1
ERROR! Too large constants encountered in constraint.
c Parsing PB file...
Enforcing CPU limit (will send SIGTERM then SIGKILL): 1200 seconds
Enforcing CPUTime (will send SIGXCPU) limit: 1230 seconds
Enforcing VSIZE limit: 943718400 bytes
Raw data (loadavg): 0.93 0.98 0.92 2/54 7382
Raw data (stat): 7382 (runsolver) R 7381 25285 25284 0 -1 64 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 0 1 0 490411884 1052672 99 4294967295 134512640 135381576 3221224448 3221219692 135158418 0 2147483391 7 90112 0 0 0 17 0 0 0
Raw data (statm): 257 99 215 215 0 42 0
vsize: 1028
[startup+0.990213 s]
Raw data (loadavg): 0.93 0.98 0.92 1/53 7382
Raw data (stat): 7382 (runsolver) R 7381 25285 25284 0 -1 64 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 0 1 0 490411884 1052672 99 4294967295 134512640 135381576 3221224448 3221219692 135158418 0 2147483391 7 90112 0 0 0 17 0 0 0
Raw data (statm): 257 99 215 215 0 42 0
vsize: 0

Child status: 1
Real time (s): 0.989914
CPU time (s): 0.97885
CPU user time (s): 0.797878
CPU system time (s): 0.180972
CPU usage (%): 98.8823
Max. virtual memory (Kb): 1028
ERROR: no interpretation found !