SAT 2009 Competition: minisat hack track: memory to solve an instance

The figures below represent the number of instances that a given solver is able to solve within a given amount of memory. The x axis represent the number of instances which the solver is able to solve when it is given y KiB of memory for each instance.

These graphs are based on a sampling of the memory usage of the solver which is performed every ten seconds. Therefore, this data is not necessarily very accurate since a solver may allocate and deallocate a lot of memory in ten seconds. Besides, when a solvers runs for less than ten seconds, no information on its memory usage could be recorded. This is the reason why there's no plot for the first instances (on the left of the graph).

Also, solvers written in the Java programming language usually allocate all their memory at once at the beginning of the program. Therefore, their plot is normally a constant line at the top of the graph.

These graphs are drawn for the different possible definitive answers in the different categories of benchmarks.

Category APPLICATION (applications instances)

Download the above graph as a PDF file / as an EPS file

Download the above graph as a PDF file / as an EPS file

Download the above graph as a PDF file / as an EPS file