PB'10 competition: satisfaction and optimization track: ranking of solvers

This page presents the ranking of the different solvers. Solvers are ranked on the number of solved instances. Ties are broken by considering the minimum total solution time.

Solvers which gave a wrong answer in a category are excluded from the ranking in that category.

The Virtual Best Solver (VBS) is a theoretical construction which returns the best answer provided by one of the submitted solver. It corresponds to the 'Best result' column in the bench per bench view of the results. It can be considered as a meta solver which uses a perfect oracle to guess instantaneously which of the submitted solver will be the most efficient to solve the instance. Another way to look at it is to consider this VBS as a solver which would run all other solvers in parallel, bringing together all the solvers strenghs. This VBS is essentially the same notion as State Of The Art (SOTA) solver defined in "Evaluating general purpose automated theorem proving systems", Artificial Intelligence, Volume 131, Issues 1-2, September 2001, Pages 39-54 Geoff Sutcliffe, Christian Suttner. However, SOTA is a more general notion: the VBS can be seen as the least powerful SOTA solver.

Category "no optimisation, small integers, linear constraints" (DEC-SMALLINT-LIN): SAT+UNSAT answers

Rank SolverVersion Number of
solved instances
Detail % of all instances% of VBSCumulated CPU time
on solved instances
Average CPU time
per solved instance
Total number of instances in the category: 452
Virtual Best Solver (VBS)432180 SAT, 252 UNSAT96%100%18241.7942.23
1borg-pb10.05.30415179 SAT, 236 UNSAT92%96%38544.7492.88
2SAT4J PB RES // CP2.2.0 2010-05-31382173 SAT, 209 UNSAT85%88%31891.6383.49
3bsolo3.2 Card380172 SAT, 208 UNSAT84%88%50981.11134.16
4wbo1.4a378171 SAT, 207 UNSAT84%88%27704.3273.29
5PB/CT0.1 fixed369164 SAT, 205 UNSAT82%85%35145.8495.25
6SAT4J PB Resolution2.2.0 2010-05-26367174 SAT, 193 UNSAT81%85%46664.10127.15
7bsolo3.2 Cl355170 SAT, 185 UNSAT79%82%61733.63173.90
8SCIPspxSCIP with SoPlex 1.4.2 (CVS Version 30.5.2010) as LP solver351139 SAT, 212 UNSAT78%81%62141.26177.04
9SCIPspxSCIP with SoPlex 1.4.2 (CVS Version 30.5.2010) as LP solver351141 SAT, 210 UNSAT78%81%65260.84185.93
10SCIPclpSCIP with Clp 1.11.1 (Release Version) as LP solver344144 SAT, 200 UNSAT76%80%54632.83158.82
11pb_cplex2010-06-29337155 SAT, 182 UNSAT75%78%39196.42116.31
12SCIPnoneSCIP without any LP solver288154 SAT, 134 UNSAT64%67%53015.70184.08
13SAT4J PB CuttingPlanes2.2.0 2010-05-26228106 SAT, 122 UNSAT50%53%25513.09111.90
14PB-wavealpha 26666 SAT15%15%7400.95112.14

Category "no optimisation, small integers, linear constraints" (DEC-SMALLINT-LIN): SAT answers

Rank SolverVersion Number of
solved instances
% of all instances% of VBSCumulated CPU time
on solved instances
Average CPU time
per solved instance
Total number of instances in the category: 452
Virtual Best Solver (VBS)18040%100%2818.1215.66
2SAT4J PB Resolution2.2.0 2010-05-2617438%97%5484.0231.52
3SAT4J PB RES // CP2.2.0 2010-05-3117338%96%4583.7426.50
4bsolo3.2 Card17238%96%7202.6541.88
6bsolo3.2 Cl17038%94%6568.0438.64
7PB/CT0.1 fixed16436%91%7973.5348.62
9SCIPnoneSCIP without any LP solver15434%86%25547.99165.90
10SCIPclpSCIP with Clp 1.11.1 (Release Version) as LP solver14432%80%10507.8472.97
11SCIPspxSCIP with SoPlex 1.4.2 (CVS Version 30.5.2010) as LP solver14131%78%13582.9696.33
12SCIPspxSCIP with SoPlex 1.4.2 (CVS Version 30.5.2010) as LP solver13931%77%11901.4685.62
13SAT4J PB CuttingPlanes2.2.0 2010-05-2610623%59%13708.38129.32
14PB-wavealpha 26615%37%7400.95112.14

Category "no optimisation, small integers, linear constraints" (DEC-SMALLINT-LIN): UNSAT answers

Rank SolverVersion Number of
solved instances
% of all instances% of VBSCumulated CPU time
on solved instances
Average CPU time
per solved instance
Total number of instances in the category: 452
Virtual Best Solver (VBS)25256%100%15423.6761.21
2SCIPspxSCIP with SoPlex 1.4.2 (CVS Version 30.5.2010) as LP solver21247%84%50239.80236.98
3SCIPspxSCIP with SoPlex 1.4.2 (CVS Version 30.5.2010) as LP solver21046%83%51677.88246.09
4SAT4J PB RES // CP2.2.0 2010-05-3120946%83%27307.89130.66
5bsolo3.2 Card20846%83%43778.46210.47
7PB/CT0.1 fixed20545%81%27172.30132.55
8SCIPclpSCIP with Clp 1.11.1 (Release Version) as LP solver20044%79%44124.99220.62
9SAT4J PB Resolution2.2.0 2010-05-2619343%77%41180.08213.37
10bsolo3.2 Cl18541%73%55165.59298.19
12SCIPnoneSCIP without any LP solver13430%53%27467.71204.98
13SAT4J PB CuttingPlanes2.2.0 2010-05-2612227%48%11804.7196.76
14PB-wavealpha 200%0%0.00-

Category "no optimisation, small integers, non linear constraints" (DEC-SMALLINT-NLC): SAT+UNSAT answers

Rank SolverVersion Number of
solved instances
Detail % of all instances% of VBSCumulated CPU time
on solved instances
Average CPU time
per solved instance
Total number of instances in the category: 100
Virtual Best Solver (VBS)7050 SAT, 20 UNSAT70%100%1356.1519.37
1pb_cplex2010-06-297050 SAT, 20 UNSAT70%100%1406.2620.09
2SCIPspxSCIP with SoPlex 1.4.2 (CVS Version 30.5.2010) as LP solver7050 SAT, 20 UNSAT70%100%11994.98171.36
3SCIPclpSCIP with Clp 1.11.1 (Release Version) as LP solver6950 SAT, 19 UNSAT69%99%8482.10122.93
4SCIPspxSCIP with SoPlex 1.4.2 (CVS Version 30.5.2010) as LP solver6950 SAT, 19 UNSAT69%99%11303.51163.82
5SAT4J PB RES // CP2.2.0 2010-05-316550 SAT, 15 UNSAT65%93%4362.9867.12
6SAT4J PB CuttingPlanes2.2.0 2010-05-266550 SAT, 15 UNSAT65%93%4630.4571.24
7PB/CT0.16550 SAT, 15 UNSAT65%93%8247.30126.88
8PB/CT0.1 fixed6350 SAT, 13 UNSAT63%90%5300.4584.13
9bsolo3.2 Card6146 SAT, 15 UNSAT61%87%4592.1975.28
10wbo1.4a5742 SAT, 15 UNSAT57%81%5931.80104.07
11SCIPnoneSCIP without any LP solver4939 SAT, 10 UNSAT49%70%1115.0822.76
12borg-pb10.05.302717 SAT, 10 UNSAT27%39%6266.28232.08
13bsolo3.2 Cl2616 SAT, 10 UNSAT26%37%4905.10188.66
14PB-wavealpha 22525 SAT25%36%6.910.28
15SAT4J PB Resolution2.2.0 2010-05-262510 SAT, 15 UNSAT25%36%6419.25256.77

Category "no optimisation, small integers, non linear constraints" (DEC-SMALLINT-NLC): SAT answers

Rank SolverVersion Number of
solved instances
% of all instances% of VBSCumulated CPU time
on solved instances
Average CPU time
per solved instance
Total number of instances in the category: 100
Virtual Best Solver (VBS)5050%100%56.381.13
2PB/CT0.1 fixed5050%100%306.686.13
4SCIPclpSCIP with Clp 1.11.1 (Release Version) as LP solver5050%100%1341.6026.83
5SCIPspxSCIP with SoPlex 1.4.2 (CVS Version 30.5.2010) as LP solver5050%100%3330.6866.61
6SAT4J PB RES // CP2.2.0 2010-05-315050%100%3451.9869.04
7SCIPspxSCIP with SoPlex 1.4.2 (CVS Version 30.5.2010) as LP solver5050%100%3996.3079.93
8SAT4J PB CuttingPlanes2.2.0 2010-05-265050%100%4185.7883.72
9bsolo3.2 Card4646%92%2025.4044.03
11SCIPnoneSCIP without any LP solver3939%78%1114.3028.57
12PB-wavealpha 22525%50%6.910.28
14bsolo3.2 Cl1616%32%4905.05306.57
15SAT4J PB Resolution2.2.0 2010-05-261010%20%501.3450.13

Category "no optimisation, small integers, non linear constraints" (DEC-SMALLINT-NLC): UNSAT answers

Rank SolverVersion Number of
solved instances
% of all instances% of VBSCumulated CPU time
on solved instances
Average CPU time
per solved instance
Total number of instances in the category: 100
Virtual Best Solver (VBS)2020%100%1299.7764.99
2SCIPspxSCIP with SoPlex 1.4.2 (CVS Version 30.5.2010) as LP solver2020%100%8664.30433.22
3SCIPclpSCIP with Clp 1.11.1 (Release Version) as LP solver1919%95%7140.50375.82
4SCIPspxSCIP with SoPlex 1.4.2 (CVS Version 30.5.2010) as LP solver1919%95%7307.20384.59
5SAT4J PB CuttingPlanes2.2.0 2010-05-261515%75%444.6729.64
6SAT4J PB RES // CP2.2.0 2010-05-311515%75%911.0060.73
7bsolo3.2 Card1515%75%2566.78171.12
9SAT4J PB Resolution2.2.0 2010-05-261515%75%5917.91394.53
11PB/CT0.1 fixed1313%65%4993.78384.14
12bsolo3.2 Cl1010%50%0.050.00
13SCIPnoneSCIP without any LP solver1010%50%0.780.08
15PB-wavealpha 200%0%0.00-

Category "optimisation, big integers, linear constraints" (OPT-BIGINT-LIN): OPT+UNSAT answers

Rank SolverVersion Number of
solved instances
Detail % of all instances% of VBSCumulated CPU time
on solved instances
Average CPU time
per solved instance
Total number of instances in the category: 532
Virtual Best Solver (VBS)211152 OPT, 59 UNSAT40%100%14601.2769.20
1SAT4J PB RES // CP2.2.0 2010-05-31205146 OPT, 59 UNSAT39%97%23603.19115.14
2SAT4J PB Resolution2.2.0 2010-05-26198141 OPT, 57 UNSAT37%94%15088.3976.20
3SAT4J PB CuttingPlanes2.2.0 2010-05-26168110 OPT, 58 UNSAT32%80%6182.4836.80
4PB/CT0.1 fixed8753 OPT, 34 UNSAT16%41%11035.46126.84

Category "optimisation, big integers, linear constraints" (OPT-BIGINT-LIN): OPT answers

Rank SolverVersion Number of
solved instances
% of all instances% of VBSCumulated CPU time
on solved instances
Average CPU time
per solved instance
Total number of instances in the category: 532
Virtual Best Solver (VBS)15229%100%14281.2593.96
1SAT4J PB RES // CP2.2.0 2010-05-3114627%96%23118.22158.34
2SAT4J PB Resolution2.2.0 2010-05-2614127%93%14762.21104.70
3SAT4J PB CuttingPlanes2.2.0 2010-05-2611021%72%5752.7452.30
4PB/CT0.1 fixed5310%35%6700.38126.42

Category "optimisation, big integers, linear constraints" (OPT-BIGINT-LIN): UNSAT answers

Rank SolverVersion Number of
solved instances
% of all instances% of VBSCumulated CPU time
on solved instances
Average CPU time
per solved instance
Total number of instances in the category: 532
Virtual Best Solver (VBS)5911%100%320.035.42
1SAT4J PB RES // CP2.2.0 2010-05-315911%100%484.988.22
2SAT4J PB CuttingPlanes2.2.0 2010-05-265811%98%429.747.41
3SAT4J PB Resolution2.2.0 2010-05-265711%97%326.185.72
4PB/CT0.1 fixed346%58%4335.09127.50

Category "optimisation, small integers, linear constraints" (OPT-SMALLINT-LIN): OPT+UNSAT answers

Rank SolverVersion Number of
solved instances
Detail % of all instances% of VBSCumulated CPU time
on solved instances
Average CPU time
per solved instance
Total number of instances in the category: 699
Virtual Best Solver (VBS)472439 OPT, 33 UNSAT68%100%19877.9042.11
1pb_cplex2010-06-29417384 OPT, 33 UNSAT60%88%37700.6890.41
2SCIPspxSCIP with SoPlex 1.4.2 (CVS Version 30.5.2010) as LP solver354321 OPT, 33 UNSAT51%75%45520.92128.59
3bsolo3.2 Card333300 OPT, 33 UNSAT48%71%47182.34141.69
4bsolo3.2 Cl328295 OPT, 33 UNSAT47%69%42827.61130.57
5SCIPclpSCIP with Clp 1.11.1 (Release Version) as LP solver319286 OPT, 33 UNSAT46%68%25689.9880.53
6SCIPspxSCIP with SoPlex 1.4.2 (CVS Version 30.5.2010) as LP solver317284 OPT, 33 UNSAT45%67%24202.4676.35
7SAT4J PB RES // CP2.2.0 2010-05-31315282 OPT, 33 UNSAT45%67%29160.6192.57
8SAT4J PB Resolution2.2.0 2010-05-26303270 OPT, 33 UNSAT43%64%14709.6448.55
9PB/CT0.1 fixed283251 OPT, 32 UNSAT40%60%25446.6489.92
10SAT4J PB CuttingPlanes2.2.0 2010-05-26255226 OPT, 29 UNSAT36%54%29801.79116.87
11SCIPnoneSCIP without any LP solver187158 OPT, 29 UNSAT27%40%26322.18140.76

Category "optimisation, small integers, linear constraints" (OPT-SMALLINT-LIN): OPT answers

Rank SolverVersion Number of
solved instances
% of all instances% of VBSCumulated CPU time
on solved instances
Average CPU time
per solved instance
Total number of instances in the category: 699
Virtual Best Solver (VBS)43963%100%19500.5044.42
2SCIPspxSCIP with SoPlex 1.4.2 (CVS Version 30.5.2010) as LP solver32146%73%42813.11133.37
3bsolo3.2 Card30043%68%45682.24152.27
4bsolo3.2 Cl29542%67%41779.56141.63
5SCIPclpSCIP with Clp 1.11.1 (Release Version) as LP solver28641%65%23759.8583.08
6SCIPspxSCIP with SoPlex 1.4.2 (CVS Version 30.5.2010) as LP solver28441%65%21417.8175.41
7SAT4J PB RES // CP2.2.0 2010-05-3128240%64%27689.0698.19
8SAT4J PB Resolution2.2.0 2010-05-2627039%62%13976.2451.76
9PB/CT0.1 fixed25136%57%22820.9690.92
10SAT4J PB CuttingPlanes2.2.0 2010-05-2622632%51%29751.47131.64
11SCIPnoneSCIP without any LP solver15823%36%24833.05157.17

Category "optimisation, small integers, linear constraints" (OPT-SMALLINT-LIN): UNSAT answers

Rank SolverVersion Number of
solved instances
% of all instances% of VBSCumulated CPU time
on solved instances
Average CPU time
per solved instance
Total number of instances in the category: 699
Virtual Best Solver (VBS)335%100%377.4011.44
1SAT4J PB Resolution2.2.0 2010-05-26335%100%733.4122.22
3bsolo3.2 Cl335%100%1048.0531.76
4SAT4J PB RES // CP2.2.0 2010-05-31335%100%1471.5544.59
5bsolo3.2 Card335%100%1500.1045.46
6SCIPclpSCIP with Clp 1.11.1 (Release Version) as LP solver335%100%1930.1358.49
7SCIPspxSCIP with SoPlex 1.4.2 (CVS Version 30.5.2010) as LP solver335%100%2707.8182.05
8SCIPspxSCIP with SoPlex 1.4.2 (CVS Version 30.5.2010) as LP solver335%100%2784.6584.38
9PB/CT0.1 fixed325%97%2625.6882.05
10SAT4J PB CuttingPlanes2.2.0 2010-05-26294%88%50.321.74
11SCIPnoneSCIP without any LP solver294%88%1489.1451.35

Category "optimisation, small integers, non linear constraints" (OPT-SMALLINT-NLC): OPT+UNSAT answers

Rank SolverVersion Number of
solved instances
Detail % of all instances% of VBSCumulated CPU time
on solved instances
Average CPU time
per solved instance
Total number of instances in the category: 409
Virtual Best Solver (VBS)289289 OPT71%100%14768.5751.10
1SCIPspxSCIP with SoPlex 1.4.2 (CVS Version 30.5.2010) as LP solver288288 OPT70%100%14279.5449.58
2SAT4J PB Resolution2.2.0 2010-05-26271271 OPT66%94%35154.59129.72
3SCIPnoneSCIP without any LP solver260260 OPT64%90%35886.35138.02
4SAT4J PB RES // CP2.2.0 2010-05-31250250 OPT61%87%32638.71130.55
5bsolo3.2 Cl230230 OPT56%80%28395.38123.46
6bsolo3.2 Card217217 OPT53%75%25679.76118.34
7PB/CT0.1194194 OPT47%67%45145.12232.71
8PB/CT0.1 fixed186186 OPT45%64%41362.89222.38
9SAT4J PB CuttingPlanes2.2.0 2010-05-26117117 OPT29%40%19379.60165.64

Category "optimisation, small integers, non linear constraints" (OPT-SMALLINT-NLC): OPT answers

Rank SolverVersion Number of
solved instances
% of all instances% of VBSCumulated CPU time
on solved instances
Average CPU time
per solved instance
Total number of instances in the category: 409
Virtual Best Solver (VBS)28971%100%14768.5751.10
1SCIPspxSCIP with SoPlex 1.4.2 (CVS Version 30.5.2010) as LP solver28870%100%14279.5449.58
2SAT4J PB Resolution2.2.0 2010-05-2627166%94%35154.59129.72
3SCIPnoneSCIP without any LP solver26064%90%35886.35138.02
4SAT4J PB RES // CP2.2.0 2010-05-3125061%87%32638.71130.55
5bsolo3.2 Cl23056%80%28395.38123.46
6bsolo3.2 Card21753%75%25679.76118.34
8PB/CT0.1 fixed18645%64%41362.89222.38
9SAT4J PB CuttingPlanes2.2.0 2010-05-2611729%40%19379.60165.64

Category "optimisation, small integers, non linear constraints" (OPT-SMALLINT-NLC): UNSAT answers

Rank SolverVersion Number of
solved instances
% of all instances% of VBSCumulated CPU time
on solved instances
Average CPU time
per solved instance
Total number of instances in the category: 409
Virtual Best Solver (VBS)00%-0.00-
1bsolo3.2 Card00%-0.00-
2bsolo3.2 Cl00%-0.00-
3SAT4J PB Resolution2.2.0 2010-05-2600%-0.00-
4SAT4J PB CuttingPlanes2.2.0 2010-05-2600%-0.00-
5SAT4J PB RES // CP2.2.0 2010-05-3100%-0.00-
6SCIPnoneSCIP without any LP solver00%-0.00-
8PB/CT0.1 fixed00%-0.00-
9SCIPspxSCIP with SoPlex 1.4.2 (CVS Version 30.5.2010) as LP solver00%-0.00-