Following the success of the first edition of the SAT and CSP technologies special track at ICTAI 2013, this year again
will highlight a track dedicated to SAT and CSP.
Constraint Solving Programming (CSP) and SAT-based technologies have become major related topics of research and application in AI this last decade, opening up new perspectives about effective AI application domains.
The ICTAI conference is a major forum for the CSP and SAT research communities for presenting new high-quality results. The special track is intended to further develop the role of ICTAI in that respect.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- CSP methodologies and tools
- Constraint networks
- Global constraints
- CSP and SAT Solvers
- Applications of CSP and SAT-based technologies
- Heuristic, complete
and hybrid search techniques
- Heuristics for SAT and
- SAT modulo theories
- AI techniques based on SAT and CSP
- Core, MUC and MUS extraction
- Constraint optimization
- Soft/Hard Constraints
- Weighted CSP and SAT
Papers must be full
papers up to 8 pages and obey
the ICTAI 2014 formatting
instructions (single-spaced,
double-column, 10-point font
Papers must be submitted
in pdf only through the Easychair special track submission page (NOT through the general ICTAI Easychair conference page).
All papers will be reviewed by at least two members of the program committee. Papers must report high-quality original work, be unpublished and not submitted elsewhere during the whole ICTAI review process.
Each accepted paper must be presented by one of the authors and accompanied by at least one full ICTAI 2014 registration fee payment, to guarantee publication in the proceedings.
Author's Final Paper Formatting
Here you may find information for the preparation and submission of your final paper as it will be published in the proceedings.
All papers accepted in the CSP and SAT technologies special track will
be included in the ICTAI 2014
proceedings published by the
IEEE Computer Society. It is
planned that extended versions
of the best papers will be
invited for publication in a
special issue of
an International Journal
after an additional round of reviewing.
The list of accepted papers can be found here.
For reaching the PC Chairs (É. Grégoire
and B. Mazure),
please send email to